Article D1221-3 of the French Public Health Code
It is also permitted to give the donor the tokens of recognition provided for by the regulations in force, and to offer a snack following the donation.
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It is also permitted to give the donor the tokens of recognition provided for by the regulations in force, and to offer a snack following the donation.
The Etablissement Français du Sang is authorised to reimburse blood donors for transport costs incurred during the donation, excluding any flat-rate reimbursement.
Before the pre-donation interview, the candidate fills in a questionnaire, the form and content of which are defined by a decision of the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé (French Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products), following advice from the Etablissement français du sang (French Blood Establishment) and the Armed Forces Blood Transfusion Centre. At the end of…
The following biological analyses and screening tests are carried out for each donation of blood or blood components intended for the preparation of labile blood products for direct therapeutic use: 1° Erythrocyte blood grouping, which includes : a) Determination of ABO and Rh(D) groups, also known as Rh 1 (RH1) ; b) Determining the Rh phenotype: C(RH2), E(RH3), c(RH4) and e(RH5) and Kell(KEL1) for the first two donations; 2° Testing…
Blood or its components may only be used to prepare labile blood products intended for direct therapeutic use if the results of the screening tests provided for in 5° of article D. 1221-6 are negative.
Derogations from the provisions of articles D. 1221-6 and D. 1221-7 may be provided for by order of the Minister for Health, when blood or its components are collected with a view to preparing labile blood products intended for programmed autologous transfusion.
An order of the Minister for Health may provide for : 1° Biological analyses and screening tests to be carried out for the selection of red cell donors intended to stimulate the synthesis of anti-D antibodies in Rh-immunised plasma donors with a view to the preparation of anti-D immunoglobulins; 2° Biological analyses and screening tests to be carried out for the selection of Rh-immunised plasma donors with a view to…
By way of derogation from the provisions of articles D. 1221-6 to D. 1221-8, an order of the Minister for Health lays down the conditions under which, in order to meet overriding therapeutic needs or to take account of the rarity of certain erythrocyte blood groups, labile blood products for direct therapeutic use, prepared from blood or blood components which have not undergone all the tests and analyses mentioned in…
Any blood establishment collecting blood and its components, which prepares labile blood products intended for the preparation of intermediate products or medicinal products derived from blood, is required to apply the tests and analyses referred to in 4° and in b, c, d, e, g and h of 5° of article D. 1221-6 to the corresponding samples. Blood or its components may only be used for the purposes mentioned in…
Blood and its components may only be used to prepare in vitro diagnostic medical devices if the results of the tests and analyses provided for in b, c and d of 5° of Article D. 1221-6 are negative. However, an in vitro diagnostic medical device may be manufactured from a sample containing one or more antibodies or antigens sought by the tests and analyses mentioned in the above paragraph and…
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