Article R752-17 of the French Commercial code
Committee members shall maintain secrecy with regard to both the deliberations and the documents of which they have become aware in the course of their duties.
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Committee members shall maintain secrecy with regard to both the deliberations and the documents of which they have become aware in the course of their duties.
Within one month of the commission meeting, the minutes of the meeting are sent by any means to each member of the commission and to the government departments that investigated the application.
Within ten days of the committee meeting or the date of tacit authorisation, the committee’s decision or opinion is: 1° Notified by the prefect to the applicant and, if the project requires planning permission, to the authority competent to issue planning permission, either by administrative means against a receipt, or by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, or, in the case provided for in Article R. 752-8, by e-mail; 2°…
For projects requiring planning permission, the commercial operating authorisation lapses within three years of the date on which the planning permission became final: 1° For sales areas that have not been opened to the public; 2° For permanent withdrawal points that have not been opened to customers. This period is extended by two years for projects involving the creation of a sales area of more than 2,500 square metres up…
The procedure provided for in article L. 752-4 is applicable to any planning permission application relating to a project for the creation or extension of a building in a commune with a population of less than 20,000 and, where the project results in the artificial creation of land, within the meaning of the ninth paragraph of Article L. 101-2-1 of the town planning code, in relation to the state of…
The municipal council or the deliberative body of the public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation must deliberate within one month of receiving the application for planning permission. Within three days of its adoption, the deliberation is sent by the mayor or the president of the public establishment for inter-communal cooperation to the applicant and posted for one month at the door of the town hall in the commune where the building…
The request for an opinion is sent to the secretariat of the departmental commission by the authority competent to issue the building permit or by the president of the public establishment mentioned in the article L. 143-16 of the town planning code either by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, or by administrative means against receipt, or by electronic means. It must state the reasons and be accompanied by the…
At least ten days before the meeting, each of the members of the commission shall receive, by any means, communication of the request for an opinion, accompanied by: 1° The prefectoral order setting the composition of the commission; 2° The agenda for the meeting; 3° The letter registering the request provided for in article R. 752-24 ; 4° Of the form provided for in article R. 751-4; 5° Any documents…
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