Article R743-88 of the French Commercial code
Within eight days of receipt, the funds from cash subscriptions shall be deposited either with the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, a notary or a credit institution.
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Within eight days of receipt, the funds from cash subscriptions shall be deposited either with the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, a notary or a credit institution.
The company is exempt from inserting in a legal announcements medium the notices provided for in articles 22, 24 and 26 of decree no. 78-704 of 3 July 1978 relating to the application of law no. 78-9 of 4 January 1978 amending Title IX of Book III of the Civil Code.
By application of article 11 of law no. 66-879 of 29 November 1966, the provisions relating to the managing partners are set out in the articles of association.
Decisions which exceed the powers of the managing partners are taken by the partners meeting in general meeting. The partners hold at least one annual general meeting. Other meetings may be held at the request of one or more partners, representing at least half in number of the partners or a quarter of the capital. The request must specify the matters to be put on the agenda. The Articles of…
Each partner has a single vote. A partner may be represented at a meeting by another partner carrying a written mandate. The meeting may only validly deliberate if at least three quarters of the partners are present or represented. If this quorum is not reached, the members may be convened a second time and the meeting may be held if the number of members present or represented is at least…
Except in the cases provided for by the provisions of Law No. 66-879 of 29 November 1966 concerning transfers of shares and by Articles R. 743-94 and R. 743-95, the second paragraph of article R. 743-104, and article R. 743-114, company decisions are taken by a majority of the votes held by the members present or represented and, unless otherwise provided for in the Articles of Association, holding at least…
Amendments to the Articles of Association, except in the case of the extension of the company or an increase in the commitments of the members, are decided by a majority of three quarters of the votes of all the members, representing at least three quarters of the share capital. The extension of the company may be decided by a majority of members holding at least three quarters of the share…
The right of presentation held by the company may only be exercised with the unanimous consent of the partners.
After the close of each financial year, the manager or one of the managers shall draw up, in accordance with the conditions laid down in the Articles of Association, the company’s annual accounts and a report on the company’s results. Within two months of the close of the financial year, the documents referred to in the previous paragraph shall be submitted to the members’ meeting for approval. To this end,…
Each partner may, at any time, inspect for himself the documents referred to in Article R. 743-96, as well as all registers and accounting documents required to be kept by the legislative or regulatory provisions relating to the profession of commercial court clerk.
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