Article R364 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure
A in article R. 15-13, the number: “five” is replaced by the number: “fifteen”.
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A in article R. 15-13, the number: “five” is replaced by the number: “fifteen”.
For the application of article R. 15-14, notification is made via the military or administrative authority in the hierarchy, which issues a notice against a signature.
I.-For the application of articles R. 19 to R. 23-1, the words: “régisseur des recettes” are replaced by the words: “agent chargé du recouvrement des amendes”. II.-Article R. 19 is supplemented by a paragraph worded as follows: “When a revenue office has been set up at the court registry, the security deposit will be paid to the revenue officer. “
In articles R. 20, R. 21 and R. 23-1, before the words: “le régisseur des recettes”, the words: “le greffier en chef ou par” are inserted.
In articles R. 23, R. 23-1, R. 23-2 and R. 23-3, the words: “Caisse des dépôts et consignations” are replaced by the words: “recette des finances”.
The first paragraph of Article R. 22 shall read as follows: “The chief clerk or revenue officer shall notify the examining magistrate of any failures or delays in the payment of the bond. “
In Article R. 23-2, the words: “to the Treasury departments, which provide” are replaced by the words: “to the agent responsible for collecting fines, who provides”.
When the accused makes use of the option opened by Article 275 of this Code to take one of his relatives or friends as counsel, the latter’s bulletin no. 2 of the criminal record shall be placed in the case file.
When the claim for compensation is brought before the commission sitting in Mayotte, the two-month period provided for in Article R. 50-17 is increased by : 1° One month for persons residing in France, outside Mayotte; 2° Two months for persons residing abroad. The foregoing provisions do not preclude the power of judges, in urgent cases, to shorten the time limits for appearing.
Article R. 93-3 is not applicable.
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