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Article D281 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

In accordance with the provisions of Article 40 of this code and the article D. 214-27 of the Penitentiary Code, the public prosecutor is informed directly and without delay by the head of the establishment of the commission of a crime or offence in a penitentiary establishment.

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Article D282 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

In accordance with the dispositions de l’article D. 214-28 du code pénitentiaire, en cas de décès d’une personne détenue, le chef de l’établissement donne les avis prévus à l’article D. 214-26 of the same code. If there has been suicide or violent death, or if the cause of death is unknown or suspect, the provisions of article 74 shall apply.

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Article D283 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

In accordance with the dispositions de l’article D. 214-29 du code pénitentiaire, toute évasion fait l’objet d’une information immédiate par le chef de l’établissement aux autorités mentionnées à l’article D. 214-26 of the same code. Any attempted escape must also be brought to the attention of these authorities without delay.

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Article D292 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

The provisions of Chapter V of Title I of Book II of the Penitentiary Code determine the conditions and procedures for the implementation of transfers and extractions of detained persons, particularly with regard to: -taking into account the legal situation of the persons concerned; -the cases in which the competent services are requested by the public prosecutor; the prerogatives of the judicial authorities with regard to persons remanded in custody…

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Article D325 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

In accordance with the provisions of Article D. 332-11 of the Penitentiary Code, when a convicted prisoner is subject to an obligation to compensate civil parties, the public prosecutor at the court that handed down the sentence, as soon as the sentence has become final, shall immediately inform the establishment where the convicted person is being held of the existence of civil parties and the amount of their claims. .

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Article D330 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

In accordance with the dispositions de l’article D. 332-17 du code pénitentiaire, tout versement effectué à l’extérieur sur la part disponible du compte nominatif d’une personne placée en détention provisoire doit avoir été expressément autorisé par le magistrat saisi du dossier de l’information.

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Article D339 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

In accordance with the dispositions de l’article D. 332-7 du code pénitentiaire, le chef de l’établissement pénitentiaire donne connaissance à l’autorité judiciaire des sommes d’argent ou objets trouvés sur les personnes détenues, apportés par elles ou qui leur sont envoyés lorsque, en raison de leur nature, de leur importance ou de leur origine, ces sommes ou objets sont susceptibles d’être retenus ou saisis.

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Article D360 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

In accordance with the provisions of articles R. 322-5 and D. 215-13 of the French Prison Code, the transfer to a more appropriate prison of remand prisoners who do not benefit, in the prison where they are being held, from material conditions of detention appropriate to their state of health and for those who require special care, can only be implemented if the magistrate to whom the information file is…

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Article D364 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

In accordance with the dispositions de l’article R. 322-4 du code pénitentiaire, si une personne détenue s’engage à une grève de la faim prolongée, il en est rendu compte aux autorités à prévenir en cas d’incident dans les conditions déterminées par les dispositions de l’article D. 214-26 of the same code.

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Article D382 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

When doctors working in the structures mentioned by the provisions of articles D. 115-3 and D. 115-6 of the Penitentiary Code consider that the state of health of a pre-trial detainee is not compatible with continued detention or with the prison regime applied to him or her, the competent judicial authority shall be informed by the head of the prison, under the conditions set out in the provisions of Article…

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