Article R6 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure
The commission provided for in article R. 3 shall determine the date and subjects of the tests for the technical examinations for judicial police officers of the national police and gendarmerie.
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The commission provided for in article R. 3 shall determine the date and subjects of the tests for the technical examinations for judicial police officers of the national police and gendarmerie.
The jury for the technical examination for judicial police officers of the national gendarmerie is composed as follows: 1° The public prosecutor at the Cour de cassation or his delegate chosen by him from among the first advocates general and advocates general at the Cour de cassation, chairman; 2° The director general of the national gendarmerie or his representative ; 3° The head of the general inspectorate of the national…
The jury for the technical examination for judicial police officers of the national police is composed as follows: 1° The public prosecutor at the Court of Cassation or his delegate chosen by him from among the first advocates general and advocates general at the Court of Cassation, chairman; 2° The director general of the national police or his representative; 3° The director, head of the general inspectorate of the national…
The members of the technical examination panels referred to in articles R. 7 and R. 8 are appointed by joint order of the Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice, and the Minister of the Interior. The members of the juries mentioned in 5° and 6° of articles R. 7 and R. 8 may not serve on the jury for more than eight years, regardless of whether they are full…
The granting of the status of judicial police officer to candidates who pass the technical examination is pronounced, following the assent of the commission provided for in article R. 3, by joint order of the Minister of Justice and the Minister of the Interior.
The following shall not be considered as giving rise to an initial assignment within the meaning of the penultimate paragraph of article 16, the stages of the curriculum during which the gendarmerie officers referred to in 2° of the same article benefit, for the purposes and as part of their initial and additional training, from the status of judicial police officer. In this case, an authorisation is issued for the…
Military members of the gendarmerie referred to in 2° of Article 16 may only be authorised to effectively exercise the attributions attached to their status as judicial police officers when they are assigned to a job involving the exercise of these attributions.
The request for authorisation is addressed to the public prosecutor at the court of appeal in whose jurisdiction the judicial police officer is first assigned. This request is forwarded by: a) The director general of the national gendarmerie for regional commanders, commanders of gendarmerie formations directly attached to the central administration and heads of services and commanders of units with national jurisdiction; b) The gendarmerie regional commander for commanders of…
The request shall specify the nature of the duties entrusted to the judicial police officer and the department or unit in which he or she will be called upon to perform them on a regular basis. It shall also specify whether, during a previous assignment, the person has been definitively sanctioned for disciplinary faults constituting breaches of honour, probity or serious professional shortcomings. The Public Prosecutor to whom the request…
When the judicial police officer is called upon to habitually perform his duties as a judicial police officer throughout the territory of the Republic, the request for authorisation is addressed to the public prosecutor at the Paris court of appeal.
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