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Article L2232-33 of the French Labour Code

All the negotiations provided for by this Code at company level may be initiated and concluded at group level under the same conditions, subject to the adaptations provided for in this section. Where an agreement on the method provided for in article L. 2222-3-1 concluded at group level so provides, the commencement at this level of one of the compulsory negotiations provided for in Chapter II of Title IV of…

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Article L2232-34 of the French Labour Code

The validity of an agreement concluded within all or part of a group is assessed in accordance with the conditions laid down in articles L. 2232-12 and L. 2232-13. The 30% and 50% rates mentioned in the same articles are assessed at the level of all the undertakings or establishments included in the scope of this agreement. The consultation of employees, where applicable, is also carried out within this perimeter.

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Article L2232-36 of the French Labour Code

An agreement may be negotiated and concluded at the level of several companies between, on the one hand, the employers and, on the other hand, the representative trade union organisations at the level of all the companies concerned.

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Article L2232-37 of the French Labour Code

The representativeness of the trade union organisations within the scope of this agreement is assessed in accordance with the rules defined in articles L. 2122-1 to L. 2122-3 relating to trade union representativeness at company level, by adding together all the votes obtained in the companies or establishments concerned at the last elections preceding the opening of the first negotiation meeting.

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Article L2232-38 of the French Labour Code

The validity of an inter-company agreement is assessed in accordance with articles L. 2232-12 and L. 2232-13. The 30% and 50% rates mentioned in the same articles are assessed at the level of all the undertakings included in the perimeter of this agreement. The consultation of employees, where applicable, is also carried out within this perimeter.

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Article L2233-1 of the French Labour Code

In public undertakings and public establishments of an industrial or commercial nature and public establishments determined by decree which perform both an administrative and an industrial and commercial public service mission, when they employ staff under private law conditions, employment and working conditions as well as social guarantees may be determined, as regards categories of staff who are not subject to a special status, by agreements and conventions concluded in…

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Article L2233-2 of the French Labour Code

In the companies and establishments mentioned in Article L. 2233-1, company agreements may supplement the provisions of the Articles of Association or determine the terms and conditions of their application within the limits set by the Articles of Association.

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Article L2233-3 of the French Labour Code

The provisions of a branch agreement or a professional or interprofessional agreement which has been extended or enlarged by a decree are applicable to the companies and establishments mentioned in article L. 2233-1 which, due to the activity carried out, fall within the scope mentioned by the decree, as far as the categories of personnel not covered by a special status are concerned.

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Article L2234-1 of the French Labour Code

Joint professional or cross-industry committees may be set up at local, departmental or regional level, by agreement concluded under the conditions provided for in Article L. 2231-1. Agreements concluded in application of the first paragraph may provide that the composition of these committees shall take account of the results of the audience measurement provided for in Chapter II of Title II of Book I of this Part. They may also…

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