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Article L3123-25 of the French Labour Code

The collective agreement allowing the derogations provided for in articles L. 3123-20 and L. 3123-24 includes guarantees relating to the implementation, for part-time employees, of the rights granted to full-time employees, in particular the right to equal access to promotion, career and training opportunities, as well as the setting of a minimum period of continuous work and a limit on the number of interruptions of activity during the same day.

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Article L3123-26 of the French Labour Code

In the absence of a collective agreement, part-time working hours may be worked on the employer’s initiative, after consulting the social and economic committee. In companies without staff representative bodies, part-time working hours may be worked at the initiative of the employer or at the request of employees, after informing the labour inspectorate. In the absence of a collective agreement, the employee may request a part-time position under conditions laid…

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Article L3123-27 of the French Labour Code

In the absence of an agreement as provided for in Article L. 3123-19, the minimum working time for part-time employees is set at twenty-four hours per week or, where applicable, the monthly equivalent thereof or the equivalent calculated over the period provided for by a collective agreement concluded in application of Article L. 3121-44.

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Article L3123-28 of the French Labour Code

In the absence of an agreement as provided for in Article L. 3123-20, the number of overtime hours worked by a part-time employee during the same week or month or over the period provided for by a collective agreement concluded on the basis of Article L. 3121-44 may not exceed one tenth of the weekly or monthly working hours provided for in his contract and calculated, where applicable, over the…

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Article L3123-29 of the French Labour Code

In the absence of an agreement as provided for in Article L. 3123-21, the rate of increase for overtime is 10% for each overtime hour worked up to one tenth of the hours provided for in the employment contract and 25% for each hour worked between one tenth and one third of the hours provided for in the employment contract.

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Article L3123-30 of the French Labour Code

In the absence of an agreement as provided for in Article L. 3123-23, the working hours of a part-time employee may not include more than one interruption of activity or an interruption of more than two hours in the course of a single day.

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Article L3123-31 of the French Labour Code

In the absence of an agreement as provided for in article L. 3123-24, any change in the distribution of working hours between the days of the week or the weeks of the month is notified to the employee at least seven working days before the date on which it is to take place.

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Article L3123-32 of the French Labour Code

Decrees shall determine the conditions of application of this Section either for all professions or branches of activity or for a particular profession or branch. If, in an occupation or branch, the practice of part-time work causes a serious and lasting imbalance in conditions of employment, decrees, issued after consultation with the employers’ and employees’ organisations concerned, may introduce limitations on the use of such practice in the branch or…

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Article L3123-34 of the French Labour Code

Intermittent employment contracts are open-ended contracts. It may be concluded to fill a permanent position which, by its very nature, involves alternating periods of work and periods of non-work. The contract must be in writing. It shall mention in particular: 1° The employee’s qualifications ; 2° The elements of the remuneration ; 3° The employee’s minimum annual working time; 4° The work periods ; 5° The distribution of working hours…

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