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Article L5224-2 of the French Labour Code

Failure to comply with the provisions of article L. 5222-1 is punishable by three years’ imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros. The court may also impose the following additional penalties: 1° A ban, for a period of up to five years, on carrying out directly or through an intermediary the professional activity in the exercise or on the occasion of the exercise of which the offence was committed, in…

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Article L5224-3 of the French Labour Code

Any foreigner guilty of the offences defined in article L. 5224-2 may be banned from French territory under the conditions set out in articles 131-30 to 131-30-2 of the French Penal Code, for a maximum period of ten years or permanently.

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Article L5224-4 of the French Labour Code

Failure to comply with the provisions of article L. 5222-2 is punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 3,000 euros. The court may also order, as an additional penalty, the posting of the judgment at the expense of the convicted person under the conditions set out inarticle 131-35 of the French Penal Code and its publication, in full or in excerpts, in the newspapers it designates. These costs…

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Article L5311-1 of the French Labour Code

The role of the public employment service is to provide reception, guidance, training and integration; it includes placement, payment of a replacement income, support for jobseekers and help in securing career paths for all employees.

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Article L5311-2 of the French Labour Code

The public employment service is provided by : 1° State departments responsible for employment and professional equality ; 2° The public institution mentioned in article L. 5312-1 ; 3° The establishment mentioned in article L. 5315-1 of the Labour Code. It is also provided by the body managing the unemployment insurance scheme mentioned in article L. 5427-1 within the framework of its own legal provisions.

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Article L5311-3 of the French Labour Code

The region participates in the coordination of those involved in the public employment service within its territory, under the conditions set out in articles L. 6123-3 and L. 6123-4. The départements, communes and their groupings may contribute to the public employment service, under the conditions set out in articles L. 5322-1 to L. 5322-4.

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Article L5311-3-1 of the French Labour Code

The State may delegate to the region, under the conditions set out inarticle L. 1111-8-1 of the General Local Authorities Code and after consulting the Regional Employment, Training and Vocational Guidance Committee, the task of ensuring the complementarity and coordinating the action of the various players, in particular the local missions, the local multi-year plans for integration and employment, Cap Emploi and the employment centres, as well as implementing the…

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Article L5311-4 of the French Labour Code

The following may also participate in the public employment service: 1° Public or private bodies whose purpose is to provide services relating to the placement, integration, training and support of jobseekers; 1° bis Placement bodies specialising in the professional integration of disabled people, with an advisory opinion; 2° Organisations linked to the State by an agreement mentioned in article L. 5132-2, relating to the integration through economic activity of people…

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Article L5311-6 of the French Labour Code

Decrees in the Conseil d’Etat will determine the conditions for the application of this chapter, in particular the procedures for coordinating the actions of the State services, the institution mentioned in article L. 5312-1 and the body managing the unemployment insurance scheme in the absence of the multi-year agreement provided for in article L. 5311-5.

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Article L5312-1 of the French Labour Code

Pôle emploi is a national public institution with legal personality and financial autonomy, whose mission is to : 1° Prospecting the labour market, developing expertise on changes in jobs and qualifications, collecting job offers, helping and advising companies in their recruitment, ensuring that job offers and applications are matched, and actively participating in the fight against discrimination in recruitment and for professional equality ; 2° Welcoming, informing, guiding and supporting…

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