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Article L8112-1 of the French Labour Code

Labour inspectors are members of either the corps of labour inspectors or the corps of labour inspectors until their corps ceases to exist. They are guaranteed independence in the performance of their duties in accordance with the international conventions on labour inspection. They are responsible for ensuring the application of the provisions of the Labour Code and other legal provisions relating to the labour system, as well as the stipulations…

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Article L8112-2 of the French Labour Code

The labour inspectors referred to in Article L. 8112-1 also record : 1° The offences of discrimination provided for in 3° and 6° of Article 225-2 of the Criminal Code, the offences of sexual or moral harassment provided for, in the context of employment relations, by Articles 222-33 and 222-33-2 of the same Code, the offence of trafficking in human beings provided for in Article 225-4-1 of the said Code,…

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Article L8113-1 of the French Labour Code

The Labour Inspectorate control officers mentioned in Article L. 8112-1 have the right to enter any establishment where the rules set out in the first paragraph of Article L. 8112-1 are applicable in order to carry out the surveillance and investigations for which they are responsible. They also have the right to enter premises where homeworkers carry out work as defined in Article L. 7424-1. However, when the work is…

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Article L8113-2-1 of the French Labour Code

For the application of articles L. 4221-1 and L. 4231-1 and 1° of article L. 8112-2 of this code andarticle L. 716-1 of the rural and maritime fishing code, labour inspection officers may enter any premises used for worker accommodation, after receiving authorisation from the person or persons occupying the premises.

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Article L8113-3 of the French Labour Code

The labour inspection officers referred to in article L. 8112-1 are authorised, in conjunction with criminal investigation officers and competition, consumer affairs and fraud control officers, to take samples for analysis of the materials used and the products distributed or used. In order to establish infringements, these samples must be taken in accordance with the procedure established by the decrees issued in application ofarticle L. 512-23 of the Consumer Code.

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Article L8113-4 of the French Labour Code

The labour inspectors referred to in Article L. 8112-1 may, during their inspections, ask to see all the books, registers and documents made compulsory by this Code or by any legal provision relating to labour regulations.

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Article L8113-5 of the French Labour Code

The Labour Inspectorate control officers mentioned in Article L. 8112-1 may request any document or piece of information, regardless of the medium, that is useful for establishing facts likely to verify compliance with the application of: 1° The provisions of articles L. 1132-1 to L. 1132-4 of the Labour Code and those of article 225-2 of the Criminal Code, relating to discrimination ; 2° The provisions of articles L. 1142-1…

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Article L8113-5-1 of the French Labour Code

For the purposes of investigating and establishing the offences constituting illegal employment referred to in Article L. 8211-1, the inspection officers defined by regulation may, during their visits, obtain any accounting or professional document or any other piece of information likely to facilitate the performance of their duties. They may also take an immediate copy, by any means and on any medium. For the communication of computerised data, they have…

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