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Article L2261-11 of the French Labour Code

Where the denunciation is made by only some of the signatory employers or signatory employees, it does not prevent the agreement from remaining in force between the other signatory parties. In this case, the provisions of the agreement or arrangement continue to have effect in respect of the parties who have given notice of termination until the entry into force of the agreement or arrangement which replaces it or, failing…

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Article L2261-12 of the French Labour Code

When the denunciation of a branch agreement or a professional or interprofessional agreement comes from a single signatory organisation, either for the employers’ side or for the employees’ side, concerning a territorial or professional sector included in the field of application of the denounced text, this field of application is modified accordingly.

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Article L2261-13 of the French Labour Code

When the agreement or contract which has been terminated has not been replaced by a new agreement or contract within one year of the expiry of the notice period, the employees of the companies concerned benefit from a guaranteed remuneration, the annual amount of which, for a working period equivalent to that provided for in their contract of employment, may not be less than the remuneration paid, in application of…

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Article L2261-14 of the French Labour Code

Where the application of an agreement or arrangement is called into question in a given undertaking, in particular as a result of a merger, transfer, demerger or change of activity, that agreement or arrangement shall continue to have effect until the entry into force of the agreement or arrangement which replaces it or, failing that, for a period of one year from the expiry of the notice period provided for…

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Article L2261-14-1 of the French Labour Code

The loss of the status of representative organisation of all the trade union organisations that are signatories to a collective agreement or arrangement does not entail the calling into question of that agreement or arrangement.

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Article L2261-14-2 of the French Labour Code

Whenever a merger, transfer, demerger or any other legal change is envisaged which would have the effect of calling into question an agreement or arrangement, the employers of the undertakings concerned and the trade union organisations representing the employees in the undertaking employing the employees whose employment contracts are likely to be transferred may negotiate and conclude the substitution agreement or arrangement provided for in the first paragraph of Article…

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Article L2261-14-3 of the French Labour Code

Whenever a merger, transfer, demerger or any other legal change is envisaged which would have the effect of calling into question an agreement or arrangement, the employers and the trade union organisations representing the employees in the undertakings or establishments concerned may negotiate and conclude an agreement or arrangement replacing the agreements and arrangements called into question and revising the agreements and arrangements applicable in the undertaking or establishment to…

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Article L2261-14-4 of the French Labour Code

The validity of the agreements mentioned in articles L. 2261-14-2 and L. 2261-14-3 is assessed under the conditions provided for in articles L. 2232-12 and L. 2232-13. The rates mentioned in the same articles L. 2232-12 and L. 2232-13 are assessed: 1° Within the perimeter of the undertaking or establishment employing the employees whose employment contracts are transferred, in the case mentioned in article L. 2261-14-2; 2° Within the perimeter…

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Article L2261-15 of the French Labour Code

The provisions of a branch agreement or a professional or cross-industry agreement that meet the specific conditions determined by sub-section 2 may be made compulsory for all employees and employers included in the scope of application of this agreement, by order of the Minister responsible for labour, after receiving the reasoned opinion of the National Commission for Collective Bargaining, Employment and Vocational Training. The effects and sanctions of the agreement…

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Article L2261-16 of the French Labour Code

The Minister responsible for labour may also, in accordance with the extension procedure provided for in sub-section 3, make riders or annexes to an extended agreement or convention compulsory by order. The extension of addenda or annexes to an agreement or an extended agreement takes effect in the field of application of the reference agreement or convention, unless express provisions determine a different field of application.

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