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Article L6325-6-2 of the French Labour Code

A card bearing the words “Etudiant des métiers” (“Trades Student”) is issued by the organisation or service responsible for their training to the persons mentioned in 1° of article L. 6325-1 and whose professionalisation contract is aimed at acquiring a qualification registered in the national register of professional certifications mentioned in article L. 6113-1 and includes a professionalisation action, within the meaning of article L. 6325-11 of this code, lasting…

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Article L6325-7 of the French Labour Code

The fixed-term professionalisation contract may be renewed once if : 1° The beneficiary, having obtained the qualification in question, is preparing a higher or complementary qualification; 2° The beneficiary was unable to obtain the qualification in question due to failure to pass the assessment tests for the training course followed, maternity, illness, accident at work, occupational illness or failure on the part of the training organisation.

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Article L6325-8 of the French Labour Code

Unless there are more favourable collective bargaining or contractual provisions, an employee under the age of 26 who holds a professionalisation contract will receive remuneration calculated on the basis of the minimum growth wage for the duration of the fixed-term contract or the professionalisation stage of the open-ended contract. The amount of this remuneration may vary according to the age of the beneficiary and the level of his or her…

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Article L6325-9 of the French Labour Code

The holder of a professionalisation contract who is at least twenty-six years old receives, for the duration of the fixed-term contract or the professionalisation action under the open-ended contract, remuneration which may not be less than either the minimum growth wage or a percentage determined by decree of the minimum remuneration provided for by the provisions of the collective agreement of the branch to which the company belongs.

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Article L6325-10 of the French Labour Code

The employee’s working hours, including the time spent on training, may not exceed the weekly working hours applied in the company or the maximum daily working hours set by article L. 3121-18. They are entitled to a weekly rest period under the conditions laid down in this code and in I of article L. 714-1 of the French Rural and Maritime Fishing Code.

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Article L6325-11 of the French Labour Code

The minimum duration of the professionalisation programme under a fixed-term professionalisation contract or at the start of an open-ended professionalisation contract is between six and twelve months. It may be extended to thirty-six months for the people mentioned in article L. 6325-1-1.

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Article L6325-12 of the French Labour Code

The minimum duration of the professionalisation programme may be extended to twenty-four months for persons other than those mentioned in article L. 6325-11 or when the nature of the qualifications provided so requires. These beneficiaries and the nature of these qualifications are defined by agreement or collective branch agreement or, failing that, by collective agreement concluded between the representative employers’ and employees’ organisations that are signatories to the agreement constituting…

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Article L6325-13 of the French Labour Code

In the context of fixed-term professionalisation contracts or professionalisation actions undertaken in the context of open-ended contracts, the positioning, assessment and support actions as well as the general, vocational and technological teaching are implemented by a training organisation or, when it has a training department, by the company itself. The minimum duration of these courses is between 15%, but not less than 150 hours, and 25% of the total duration…

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Article L6325-14 of the French Labour Code

A branch agreement may extend the duration of the courses beyond 25% for certain categories of beneficiaries, in particular for those mentioned in article L. 6325-1-1 or for those aiming for training leading to a qualification. In the absence of a branch agreement, an agreement may be concluded between the representative employers’ and employees’ organisations that are signatories to the agreement establishing a joint body for collecting continuing vocational training…

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Article L6325-14-1 of the French Labour Code

A branch agreement or a collective agreement concluded between the employees’ and employers’ trade unions that are signatories to the agreement setting up a cross-industry skills operator may define the procedures for continuing and financing, for a period not exceeding six months, the assessment and support actions and the courses mentioned in article L. 6325-13, for the benefit of people whose professionalisation contract included a professionalisation action, within the meaning…

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