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Article L1237-11 of the French Labour Code

The employer and employee may jointly agree on the terms and conditions of termination of their employment contract. A contractual termination cannot be imposed by either party, and cannot be used as an alternative to dismissal or resignation. It results from an agreement signed by the parties to the contract. It is subject to the provisions of this section designed to guarantee the freedom of consent of the parties.

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Article L1237-12 of the French Labour Code

The parties to the contract agree on the principle of a contractual termination during one or more meetings at which the employee may be assisted: 1° Either by a person of his choice from the company’s staff, whether an employee holding a trade union mandate or an employee who is a member of a staff representative institution or any other employee; 2° Or, if there is no staff representative body…

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Article L1237-13 of the French Labour Code

The termination agreement defines the terms and conditions of the termination, in particular the amount of the specific termination indemnity, which may not be less than that of the indemnity provided for in article L. 1234-9. It sets the date of termination of the employment contract, which may not take place before the day following the date of approval. From the date on which it is signed by the two…

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Article L1237-14 of the French Labour Code

At the end of the cooling-off period, the earliest party shall send a request for approval to the administrative authority, together with a copy of the termination agreement. An order of the Minister for Employment sets the model for this application. The administrative authority has a period of fifteen working days from receipt of the request to ensure that the conditions set out in this section are met and that…

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Article L1237-15 of the French Labour Code

Employees benefiting from the protection mentioned in articles L. 2411-1 and L. 2411-2 may benefit from the provisions of this section. Notwithstanding the provisions of article L. 1237-14, the contractual termination is subject to authorisation by the Labour Inspector under the conditions set out in Chapter I of Title I of Book IV, Section 1 of Chapter I and Chapter II of Title II of Book IV of Part Two….

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Article L1237-16 of the French Labour Code

This section does not apply to terminations of employment contracts resulting from : 1° Agreements resulting from the negotiations mentioned in articles L. 2242-20 and L. 2242-21 ; 2° Employment protection plans under the conditions defined by Article L. 1233-61 ; 3° Collective agreements mentioned in article L. 1237-17.

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Article L1237-17 of the French Labour Code

A collective agreement on forward-looking management of jobs and skills or a collective severance agreement may define the terms and conditions for the mutually agreed termination of the employment contract between the employer and the employee. These terminations, which exclude dismissal or resignation, may not be imposed by either party. They are subject to the provisions of this section.

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Article L1237-18 of the French Labour Code

Mobility leave may be offered by the employer either as part of an agreement on the collective termination of employment concluded under the conditions set out in articles L. 1237-19 to L. 1237-19-8, or in companies that have concluded a collective agreement on job and skills management. The purpose of mobility leave is to encourage a return to stable employment through support measures, training and periods of work.

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Article L1237-18-1 of the French Labour Code

The working periods of the mobility leave may be completed within or outside the company that proposed the leave. They may take the form of either an open-ended employment contract or a fixed-term employment contract concluded in application of 1° ofarticle L. 1242-3 within a limit set by the collective agreement. In the latter case, the mobility leave is suspended and resumed at the end of the contract for the…

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