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Article L4153-3 of the French Labour Code

The provisions of article L. 4153-1 do not prevent minors over the age of fourteen from being authorised during their school holidays to carry out work appropriate to their age, provided that they are guaranteed an effective rest period at least equal to half of each holiday period. The terms of application of these provisions are determined by decree.

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Article L4153-4 of the French Labour Code

The labour inspector may at any time require a medical examination of a young worker aged fifteen or over in order to establish whether the work assigned to him exceeds his strength. In this case, the labour inspector may require the young worker to be removed from the establishment. The conditions of application of this article shall be determined by decree.

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Article L4153-5 of the French Labour Code

The provisions of articles L. 4153-1 to L. 4153-3 do not apply in establishments where only members of the family under the authority of either the father, mother or guardian are employed, provided that the work is occasional or of short duration and cannot present a risk to their health or safety. The list of such work shall be determined by decree.

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Article L4153-6 of the French Labour Code

It is forbidden to employ or assign trainee minors to bar service in on-trade drinks outlets. This prohibition does not apply to the owner’s spouse, parents or relatives up to and including the fourth degree. In approved public houses, this prohibition does not apply to minors over the age of sixteen if they are undergoing training involving one or more periods spent in a company enabling them to acquire a…

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Article L4153-7 of the French Labour Code

It is forbidden for fathers, mothers, guardians or employers, and in general for any person having authority over or custody of a child, to place the child under the guidance of vagrants, persons without means of support or beggars.

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Article L4153-8 of the French Labour Code

It is prohibited to employ workers under the age of eighteen in certain categories of work which expose them to risks to their health, safety or morals or which exceed their strength. These categories of work are determined by regulation.

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Article L4153-9 of the French Labour Code

By way of derogation from the provisions of Article L. 4153-8, workers under the age of eighteen may only be employed in certain categories of work mentioned in that same article under certain conditions determined by regulation.

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Article L4154-1 of the French Labour Code

It is forbidden to use an employee holding a fixed-term employment contract or a temporary employee to carry out particularly dangerous work included on a list drawn up by regulation. This list includes, in particular, some of the work that is subject to enhanced medical supervision within the meaning of the regulations relating to occupational medicine. The administrative authority may exceptionally authorise a derogation from this prohibition under conditions determined…

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Article L4154-2 of the French Labour Code

Employees with fixed-term employment contracts, temporary employees and company trainees assigned to workstations presenting particular risks to their health or safety receive enhanced safety training as well as appropriate induction and information in the company where they are employed. The list of such workstations is drawn up by the employer, after consulting the occupational physician and the social and economic committee, if any. It is made available to the labour…

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Article L4154-3 of the French Labour Code

The employer’s inexcusable fault provided for in article L. 452-1 of the Social Security Code is presumed to have been established in the case of employees with a fixed-term employment contract, temporary employees and company trainees who are victims of an accident at work or an occupational disease when assigned to workstations presenting particular risks to their health or safety and who have not received the enhanced safety training provided…

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