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Article L2313-10 of the French Labour Code

On expiry of the term of office of the members of the social and economic committee staff delegation, the body is not renewed if the number of employees in the company has remained below eleven for at least twelve consecutive months.

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Article L2314-1 of the French Labour Code

The social and economic committee comprises the employer and a staff delegation comprising a number of members determined by decree by the Conseil d’Etat, taking into account the number of employees. The staff delegation comprises an equal number of full members and alternates. The alternate attends meetings in the absence of the full member. The number of members and the number of delegation hours may be modified by agreement under…

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Article L2314-2 of the French Labour Code

Subject to the provisions applicable in companies with less than three hundred employees, as set out in Article L. 2143-22, each trade union organisation that is representative in the company or establishment may appoint a trade union representative to the committee. He attends meetings in an advisory capacity. He is chosen from among the members of staff of the undertaking and must meet the conditions of eligibility for membership of…

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Article L2314-3 of the French Labour Code

I.- The following attend the meetings provided for in the first and second paragraphs of Article L. 2315-27 in an advisory capacity on agenda items relating to health, safety and working conditions and, where applicable, the meetings of the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee: 1° The occupational physician, who may delegate this role to a member of the multidisciplinary team of the occupational health and prevention service with competence…

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Article L2314-4 of the French Labour Code

When the threshold of eleven employees has been crossed under the conditions provided for in the second paragraph of article L. 2311-2, the employer informs the personnel every four years of the organisation of the elections by any means enabling this information to be dated with certainty. The document distributed shall specify the date planned for the first round. This must be held, at the latest, on the ninetieth day…

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Article L2314-5 of the French Labour Code

Trade union organisations which meet the criteria of respect for republican values and independence, which have been legally constituted for at least two years and whose professional and geographical scope covers the company or establishment concerned, are informed, by any means, of the organisation of the elections and invited to negotiate the pre-electoral agreement and to draw up the lists of their candidates for the functions of member of the…

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Article L2314-6 of the French Labour Code

In the absence of legislative provisions to the contrary, the validity of the pre-electoral agreement concluded between the employer and the trade union organisations concerned is subject to its signature by the majority of the trade union organisations that took part in its negotiation, including the representative trade union organisations that received the majority of the votes cast in the last professional elections or, where these results are not available,…

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Article L2314-7 of the French Labour Code

The pre-electoral agreement may modify the number of seats or the number of individual delegation hours, provided that the total number of hours for each college is at least equal to that provided for by law in relation to the number of employees in the company.

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Article L2314-8 of the French Labour Code

Where there is no social and economic committee, the employer shall initiate the procedure defined in Article L. 2314-5 at the request of an employee or a trade union organisation within one month of receiving the request. Where the employer has initiated the electoral process and a statement of failure to act has been drawn up, the request may not be made until six months after the statement has been…

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Article L2314-9 of the French Labour Code

If the social and economic committee has not been set up or renewed, the employer will draw up a report on the failure to do so. The employer informs the employees of the report in the company by any means that can be used to give a definite date to this information and forwards it within fifteen days, by any means that can be used to give a definite date…

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