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Article L5314-1 of the French Labour Code

Local missions for the professional and social integration of young people may be set up by the State, local authorities, public establishments, professional and trade union organisations and associations. They may take the form of an association or a public interest group. In the latter case, they may recruit their own staff, governed by this code.

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Article L5314-2 of the French Labour Code

The local missions for the professional and social integration of young people, as part of their public employment service mission, aim to help young people aged 16 to 25 to resolve all the problems posed by their professional and social integration by providing reception, information, guidance and support in accessing initial or continuing vocational training or employment. They promote consultation between the various partners with a view to reinforcing or…

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Article L5315-1 of the French Labour Code

A State-owned industrial and commercial public body contributes to the public employment service mentioned in article L. 5311-1. To this end: 1° It participates in the training and qualification of people who are furthest from employment and contributes to their social and professional integration; 2° It contributes to the certification policy implemented by the Minister for Employment; 3° It contributes to equal access for men and women to vocational training…

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Article L5315-2 of the French Labour Code

With due respect for the powers of the regions responsible for the regional public vocational training service, the establishment mentioned in Article L. 5315-1 also has the following missions: 1° To contribute to the emergence and organisation of new professions and new skills, in particular by developing training engineering adapted to needs ; 2° To develop forward-looking expertise on the development of skills adapted to the local employment market; 3°…

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Article L5315-3 of the French Labour Code

The public body is headed by a Director General appointed by decree, after consultation with the Conseil national de l’emploi, de la formation et de l’orientation professionnelles. It is administered by a Board of Directors made up of representatives of the State, the regions, trade union organisations representing employees and professional organisations representing employers at national and cross-industry level, qualified individuals and staff representatives. To determine the number of representatives…

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Article L5315-4 of the French Labour Code

A national ombudsman is appointed within the public institution to investigate individual complaints from users, without prejudice to existing means of appeal. The national mediator is the correspondent of the Défenseur des droits.

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Article L5315-5 of the French Labour Code

The resources of the public establishment are made up of State grants, fees for services rendered, proceeds from sales and rentals as well as authorised loans, donations and legacies and miscellaneous income. State allocations are calculated to compensate, at most, for the financial burden of public service missions and requirements resulting from the application of article L. 5315-1 and 1° to 3° and a of 4° of article L. 5315-2.

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Article L5315-7 of the French Labour Code

The assets of the public institution are part of its private domain. They may be freely managed and disposed of under the conditions of ordinary law. When an asset belonging to the public establishment is necessary for the proper performance of its public service missions or for the development of these missions, the State may oppose the disposal of this asset by transfer or contribution in any form whatsoever, or…

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