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Article L1237-2 of the French Labour Code

If an open-ended employment contract is terminated at the employee’s initiative, the employer is entitled to damages if the termination is unfair. In the event of a dispute, the court will rule in accordance with the provisions of article L. 1235-1. A decree of the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the terms of application of this article.

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Article L1237-3 of the French Labour Code

Where an employee who has wrongfully terminated a contract of employment enters into a new contract of employment, the new employer is jointly and severally liable for any damage caused to the previous employer in the following cases: 1° If it is shown that the new employer intervened in the termination ; 2° If the new employer took on an employee whom he knew to be already bound by a…

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Article L1237-4 of the French Labour Code

Provisions relating to the retirement of employees contained in a collective agreement, a collective labour agreement or an employment contract are applicable provided that they do not conflict with legal provisions. Any stipulation in a collective labour agreement or contract of employment that provides for the automatic termination of an employee’s contract of employment on the grounds of age or entitlement to an old-age pension is null and void.

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Article L1237-5 of the French Labour Code

Retirement means the possibility given to the employer to terminate the employment contract of an employee who has reached the age mentioned in 1° of article L. 351-8 of the Social Security Code , subject to the seventh to ninth paragraphs : A lower age may be set, within the limit of that provided for in the first paragraph of article L. 351-1 of the Social Security Code, if the…

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Article L1237-5-1 of the French Labour Code

As from 22 December 2006, no collective agreement or arrangement providing for the possibility of compulsory retirement of an employee at an age lower than that set out in 1° of article L. 351-8 of the Social Security Code may be signed or extended. Agreements concluded and extended prior to 22 December 2006, determining compensation in terms of employment or vocational training and setting an age lower than that mentioned…

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Article L1237-7 of the French Labour Code

The retirement of an employee entitles him to a retirement indemnity at least equal to the redundancy indemnity provided for in article L. 1234-9. Each employee may receive only one severance or retirement payment. The indemnity is awarded on the first full settlement of the pension.

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Article L1237-9 of the French Labour Code

Any employee who voluntarily leaves the company to receive an old-age pension is entitled to a retirement allowance. The rate of this allowance varies according to the employee’s length of service with the company. The method of calculation depends on the employee’s previous gross remuneration. The rate and method of calculation are determined by regulation. Each employee may only receive one severance or retirement payment. The indemnity is awarded on…

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