Article L3121-40 of the French Labour Code
In the absence of an agreement, the Social and Economic Committee is consulted at least once a year on the arrangements for using the annual overtime quota and any excess.
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In the absence of an agreement, the Social and Economic Committee is consulted at least once a year on the arrangements for using the annual overtime quota and any excess.
Where a system for organising working time is implemented over a reference period longer than a week, overtime is deducted at the end of this reference period. This reference period may not exceed three years in the case of a collective agreement and nine weeks in the case of a unilateral decision by the employer. If the reference period is annual, hours worked in excess of 1,607 hours constitute overtime….
In companies which have introduced a system for organising working time over a reference period longer than a week, employees are informed within a reasonable time of any change in the distribution of their working hours.
The introduction of a system for organising working hours over a period longer than a week by collective agreement does not constitute a change to the employment contract for full-time employees.
Pursuant to Article L. 3121-41, a company or establishment agreement or, failing that, a branch agreement or convention may define the terms and conditions of the organisation of working time and organise the distribution of working time over a period longer than a week. It provides for : 1° The reference period, which may not exceed one year or, if authorised by a branch agreement, three years ; 2° The…
In the absence of an agreement as referred to in Article L. 3121-44, the employer may, under conditions laid down by decree, introduce a system whereby working time is spread over several weeks, up to a maximum of nine weeks for companies employing fewer than fifty employees and up to a maximum of four weeks for companies with fifty or more employees.
By way of derogation from Article L. 3121-45, in companies that operate on a continuous basis, the employer may introduce a system whereby working hours are spread over several weeks.
In the absence of stipulations in the agreement mentioned in article L. 3121-44, the notice period for employees in the event of a change in working hours or hours of work is set at seven days.
The employer may, at the request of certain employees, set up a system of individualised working hours allowing hours to be carried over from one week to another, within the limits and according to the procedures defined in articles L. 3121-51 and L. 3121-52, after receiving the assent of the social and economic committee. Within this framework, and by way of derogation from article L. 3121-29, hours worked during the…
The employees mentioned in 1° to 4° and 9° to 11° of Article L. 5212-13 benefit, at their request, under the appropriate measures provided for in Article L. 5213-6, from individualised timetable adjustments designed to facilitate their access to employment, their professional activities or their continued employment. Family carers and those close to a disabled person benefit, under the same conditions, from individualised timetable adjustments designed to facilitate support for…
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