Article L5123-3 of the French Labour Code
The administrative authority may grant individual redeployment assistance to certain categories of unemployed workers returning to work part-time.
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The administrative authority may grant individual redeployment assistance to certain categories of unemployed workers returning to work part-time.
Allowances paid under this chapter may be assigned and seized under the same conditions and within the same limits as wages.
Employers’ contributions to the allowances provided for in this chapter are not subject to payroll tax or social security contributions.
When compensation resulting from national or regional professional or interprofessional agreements is intended to enable certain employees to benefit from an early retirement benefit, it must, in order to give entitlement to the exemptions and deductions provided for in article L. 5422-10, be implemented in compliance with conditions determined by decree by the Conseil d’Etat, linked to the age and characteristics, in particular the effects of exposure to certain occupational…
The administrative penalty provided for in article L. 5426-5 is applicable in the event of deliberately inaccurate or incomplete declarations made in order to qualify for the benefits provided for in this chapter and in the event of failure to declare a change in the situation justifying entitlement to these benefits, resulting in undue payments.
A decree shall determine the conditions under which the maisons de l’emploi (employment centres) shall participate in the implementation of the outplacement measures provided for in this chapter. The other provisions of this chapter are determined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
Unless it is an offence of fraud, as defined and punished by article 313-1, 5° of article 313-2 andarticle 313-3 of the French Criminal Code, fraudulently obtaining or attempting to obtain the benefits mentioned in articles L. 5122-1 and L. 5123-2 of this Code is punishable by the penalties set out inarticle 441-6 of the French Criminal Code. Fraudulently obtaining or attempting to fraudulently obtain these benefits is punishable by…
The purpose of personalised support for access to employment is to facilitate access to and retention in employment for people who are experiencing particular difficulties in finding work and require social support and training. To this end, the State may enter into agreements with competent bodies.
In order to facilitate access to employment for people experiencing serious difficulties with social and professional integration within the framework of individualised pathways combining reception, social support, guidance, training, integration and monitoring, municipalities and their groupings may establish multi-year local plans for integration and employment within the geographical area most appropriate for meeting local needs. Other local authorities, companies and organisations involved in the integration and employment sector may be…
Any young person between the ages of sixteen and twenty-five who is in difficulty and at risk of exclusion from the labour market is entitled to state-organised support on the road to employment and independence.
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