Article L6222-34 of the French Labour Code
The apprentice is obliged to sit the tests for the diploma or qualification provided for in the apprenticeship contract.
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The apprentice is obliged to sit the tests for the diploma or qualification provided for in the apprenticeship contract.
The apprentice is entitled to an additional five working days’ leave to prepare directly for the tests. The apprentice must attend the special lessons given in the apprentice training centre if the agreement referred to in article L. 6232-1 provides for the organisation of such lessons. This leave, which entitles the apprentice to continued pay, takes place in the month preceding the tests. It is in addition to the paid…
A decree in the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the implementing measures for this section.
Apprentices are issued with a card bearing the words “Etudiant des métiers” by the organisation providing their training. This card enables the apprentice to demonstrate to third parties throughout the country the specific nature of their status, in particular with a view to gaining access to fare reductions identical to those enjoyed by students in higher education. The vocational student card is issued in accordance with a model determined by…
With regard to the disabled, adjustments have been made to the provisions of articles : 1° L. 6222-1 to L. 6222-3, relating to the conditions for forming an apprenticeship contract ; 2° L. 6222-7 to L. 6222-10, relating to the duration of the contract ; 3° L. 6222-15, relating to successive apprenticeship contracts; 4° L. 6222-19, relating to termination of the contract before the fixed term in the event of…
A decree of the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the arrangements provided for in article L. 6222-37 for disabled people.
In companies governed by consular chambers, a mediator appointed by these chambers may be called upon by the parties to resolve disputes between employers and apprentices or their families concerning the performance or termination of the apprenticeship contract.
The following changes have been made for top-level athletes: 1° Articles L. 6222-7 to L. 6222-10, relating to the duration of the contract; 2° And the second paragraph of article L. 6222-24, relating to the duration of working hours in the company.
A Conseil d’Etat decree determines the arrangements provided for in article L. 6222-40 for high-level sportspeople.
I.-The apprenticeship contract may be performed in part abroad for a period not exceeding one year. The duration of the contract in France must be at least six months. During the period of mobility abroad, the provisions of article L. 6211-2 do not apply. II – During the period of mobility in a Member State of the European Union other than France or outside the European Union, the host company…
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