Article L23-112-4 of the French Labour Code
To be eligible for appointment, members of the committee must be at least eighteen years of age and must not have been disqualified, disqualified or disqualified from exercising their civic rights.
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To be eligible for appointment, members of the committee must be at least eighteen years of age and must not have been disqualified, disqualified or disqualified from exercising their civic rights.
The composition of the regional cross-industry joint committee is made public by the administrative authority.
Disputes relating to the conditions of appointment of the members of the commission shall fall within the jurisdiction of the courts. Appeals are only admissible if lodged within fifteen days of the date on which the composition of the commission was made public.
The inter-professional regional joint committees are responsible for: 1° To provide employees and employers with any useful information or advice on the legal provisions or agreements applicable to them; 2° To provide information, debate and issue any useful opinions on issues specific to companies with fewer than eleven employees and their employees, particularly in the areas of employment, training, forward planning of jobs and skills, working conditions, health at work,…
To carry out their duties, members of the committee have access to companies, with the employer’s authorisation.
The employer shall allow the employee member of the regional cross-industry joint committee the time required to carry out his duties, up to a limit which, save in exceptional circumstances, may not exceed five hours per month. Travelling time to committee meetings is not deducted from this time credit. This time may be used cumulatively over the course of a calendar year, provided that this does not result in a…
The exercise of the mandate of member of the Regional Joint Trade Committee may not be a reason for termination of the employment contract. The dismissal or termination of a fixed-term contract of a member of the committee is subject to the administrative authorisation procedure provided for in Book IV of this Part Two. Employees whose identity appears on the electoral propaganda of employee trade union organisations in accordance with…
The costs incurred by the operation of the committee, the attendance of its members at meetings and training, as well as the compensation of employee representatives, under the conditions defined in article L. 23-114-1, and the compensation of employer representatives are financed exclusively by the appropriations paid by the fund provided for in article L. 2135-9 in respect of its mission mentioned in 1° of article L. 2135-11. The amount…
The committee shall set out its operating procedures in its rules of procedure.
A decree of the Conseil d’Etat shall specify the conditions for the application of this Title, in particular: 1° The procedures for the presentation of the employees on the electoral propaganda mentioned in article L. 23-112-2 ; 2° The procedures for the notification to the employers of the employees mentioned in the last paragraph of the same article L. 23-112-2 by the employees’ trade union organisations; 3° The procedures for…
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