Article L1225-45 of the French Labour Code
Any stipulation in a collective bargaining agreement or agreement providing for a birth-related benefit for employees on maternity leave applies automatically to employees on adoption leave.
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Any stipulation in a collective bargaining agreement or agreement providing for a birth-related benefit for employees on maternity leave applies automatically to employees on adoption leave.
Any employee holding the approval mentioned in articles L. 225-2 and L. 225-17 of the French Social Action and Family Code is entitled to unpaid international and extra-metropolitan adoption leave when, with a view to adopting a child, he or she goes abroad to a collectivity governed by Article 73 or Article 74 of the Constitution or to New Caledonia, from a metropolitan department, another collectivity governed by Article 73…
An employee who returns to his or her original job after the adoption leave referred to in this section is entitled to the professional interview referred to in I of Article L. 6315-1.
During the period following the expiry of maternity or adoption leave, any employee with at least one year’s seniority is entitled: 1° Either to parental leave during which the employment contract is suspended; 2° Or to a reduction in their working hours, without this part-time work being less than sixteen hours per week.
Parental education leave and the period of part-time work are initially for a maximum of one year. They may be extended twice to end at the latest at the end of the periods defined in the second and fourth paragraphs, regardless of when they began. Parental childcare leave and the period of part-time work end no later than the child’s third birthday. In the event of multiple births, parental leave…
In the event of serious illness, accident or disability of the child, assessed in accordance with the procedures defined by decree of the Conseil d’Etat, the parental leave and the period of part-time work end no later than one year after the deadlines defined in article L. 1225-48.
The employee shall inform his employer of the starting point and duration of the period during which he intends to take either parental leave or a reduction in his working hours. Where this period immediately follows maternity leave or adoption leave, the employee shall inform the employer at least one month before the end of such leave. Otherwise, the information is given to the employer at least two months before…
When the employee intends to extend or modify his parental leave or his period of part-time work, he shall notify the employer at least one month before the end of the period initially planned and inform him of his intention either to convert the parental leave into part-time work or to convert the part-time work into parental leave. However, during the period of part-time work or when it is extended,…
In the event of the death of the child or a significant reduction in household resources, the employee has the right: 1° If he/she is on parental education leave, either to return to his/her original job, or to work part-time up to the limit of the period initially stipulated in the employment contract; 2° If he/she works part-time to raise a child, to resume his/her initial activity and, with the…
An employee on parental education leave or who works part-time to bring up a child may not otherwise engage in any professional activity other than childcare activities as defined by Title II of Book IV of the code de l’action sociale et des familles.
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