Article L5221-4 of the French Labour Code
Subject to international agreements, it is forbidden for a temporary employment agency to make foreign workers available to any person whatsoever if the service is provided outside French territory.
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Subject to international agreements, it is forbidden for a temporary employment agency to make foreign workers available to any person whatsoever if the service is provided outside French territory.
A foreign national authorised to reside in France may not engage in paid employment in France without first obtaining the work permit referred to in 2° of article L. 5221-2. A work permit is automatically granted to foreign nationals authorised to reside in France for the purpose of concluding a fixed-term apprenticeship or professional training contract. This authorisation is automatically granted to unaccompanied foreign minors in the care of the…
The issue of a residence permit entitles the holder, under the conditions set out in Title II of Book IV of the Code on the Entry and Residence of Foreigners and the Right of Asylum, to carry out a paid professional activity. .
Work permits may be restricted to certain professional activities or geographical areas. Authorisation issued in mainland France confers rights only in mainland France. In order to examine the application for authorisation to work, the administrative authority may exchange all information and documents relating to this application with the bodies involved in the public employment service mentioned in article L. 5311-2, with the bodies managing a social protection scheme, with the…
The employer must check with the relevant local authorities that the foreign national holds the document authorising him/her to work in France, unless the foreign national is registered on the list of jobseekers kept by the institution referred to in article L. 5312-1.
A foreign employee holding a temporary residence permit under articles L. 422-1, L. 422-2, L. 422-4 or L. 422-5 of the Code de l’Entrée et du Séjour des Etrangers et du Droit d’Asile (Code on the Entry and Residence of Foreigners and the Right of Asylum) may only be hired after the employer has declared his or her name to the administrative authorities.
A decree of the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the application of articles L. 5221-3 and L. 5221-5 to L. 5221-8.
Subject to the provisions of article L. 7121-18, it is forbidden to receive or attempt to receive, either occasionally or repeatedly, funds, securities or movable property with a view to or in connection with the introduction into France of a foreign worker or his recruitment.
All employers are prohibited from obtaining reimbursement of the flat-rate fee they have paid to the French Office for Immigration and Integration or the travel expenses they have paid for a foreign worker to come to France, and from making deductions from the worker’s wages, in any form whatsoever, in connection with his or her recruitment.
Failure to comply with the provisions of article L. 5221-4 is punishable by a fine of €3,000. The court may also impose the following additional penalties: 1° A ban on working as a temporary employment agency for up to ten years ; 2° Posting of the judgment at the expense of the convicted person in accordance with the conditions set out in article 131-35 of the Criminal Code and its…
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