Article L6323-18 of the French Labour Code
The hours devoted to training during working hours constitute actual working time and give rise to the employer maintaining the employee’s remuneration.
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The hours devoted to training during working hours constitute actual working time and give rise to the employer maintaining the employee’s remuneration.
During the training period, the employee is covered by the social security system relating to protection against accidents at work and occupational illnesses.
The educational costs and the costs associated with the validation of skills and knowledge relating to the training are paid by the body mentioned in article L. 6333-1. By way of derogation from the first paragraph of this article, the educational costs and the costs associated with the validation of skills and knowledge relating to the training followed as part of the professional transition project referred to in article L….
An employee employed by a public entity that does not pay the contribution mentioned in article L. 6331-1 may use his personal training account in application of article 22 ter of law no. 83-634 of 13 July 1983 on the rights and obligations of civil servants. When the public entity pays the contribution mentioned in article L. 6331-1, the employee it employs uses his rights registered on the personal training…
For jobseekers, the training courses eligible for the personal training account are those mentioned in article L. 6323-6.
When the jobseeker accepts a training course purchased by the region, by the skills operator mentioned in article L. 6332-1, by Pôle emploi or by the institution mentioned in article L. 5214-1, these bodies or authorities pay for the educational costs and the costs associated with the validation of skills and knowledge relating to the jobseeker’s training. They may also cover ancillary costs other than remuneration. The jobseeker’s personal training…
The educational costs and the costs associated with the validation of skills and knowledge relating to the training of jobseekers who use their personal account are paid for by the body mentioned in article L. 6333-1 if the action is paid for without additional funding or within the limit of the entitlement acquired from the personal account in the case of additional funding. This additional funding corresponds to any individual…
The account may be used by jobseekers looking for work in a European Union Member State other than France if they are not registered with the institution mentioned in article L. 5312-1, subject to the conclusion of an agreement between this institution and the body responsible for the public employment service in the country in which they are looking for work. This agreement sets out the conditions under which the…
A decree in the Conseil d’Etat shall lay down the conditions for the application of this section.
The training rights registered on the personal training account of self-employed workers, members of the liberal professions and the self-employed, their collaborating spouses and artists are financed in accordance with the procedures for distributing the contribution provided for in articles L. 6331-48, L. 6331-53 and L. 6331-65 of this code and in article L. 718-2-1 of the rural and maritime fishing code.
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