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Article L8254-2-2 of the French Labour Code

Any person convicted under article L. 8256-2 for knowingly using the services of an employer of a foreign national not authorised to work is jointly and severally liable with this employer for payment of the remuneration and charges, contributions and costs mentioned in 1° to 4° of article L. 8254-2.

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Article L8254-3 of the French Labour Code

A private individual who enters into a contract for his or her personal use, that of his or her spouse, partner in a civil solidarity pact, cohabitee, ascendants or descendants, the subject of which is an obligation of a minimum amount, is subject to the provisions of articles L. 8254-1 and L. 8254-2 when the contract is entered into.

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Article L8255-1 of the French Labour Code

Representative trade union organisations may take legal action on behalf of foreign employees by virtue of the provisions of articles L. 8252-1 and L. 8252-2, without having to provide proof of a mandate from the person concerned, provided that the latter has not declared his or her opposition. The person concerned may always intervene in proceedings brought by the union.

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Article L8256-1 of the French Labour Code

Any person who commits fraud or makes a false declaration in order to obtain, cause to be obtained or attempt to cause a foreign national to obtain the document referred to in article L. 8251-1 is liable to one year’s imprisonment and a fine of 3,000 euros.

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Article L8256-2 of the French Labour Code

Any person who, directly or through an intermediary, recruits, retains or employs for any period whatsoever a foreign national who does not hold a permit authorising him/her to work in France, in breach of the provisions of the first paragraph of article L. 8251-1, is punishable by five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros. Knowingly using, directly or indirectly, the services of an employer of a foreign national…

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Article L8256-3 of the French Labour Code

Natural persons guilty of the offences provided for in Article L. 8256-2 are liable to the following additional penalties: 1° Prohibition, for a period of up to five years, from engaging directly or through an intermediary in the professional activity in the exercise or on the occasion of the exercise of which the offence was committed, in accordance with the provisions of article 131-27 of the Criminal Code ; 2°…

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Article L8256-4 of the French Labour Code

Natural persons guilty of the offences provided for in article L. 8256-2 shall be liable to the additional penalty of closure of the premises or establishments owned or operated by them and used to commit the offences.

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Article L8256-6 of the French Labour Code

Any foreigner guilty of the offences defined in article L. 8256-2 may be banned from French territory for up to ten years or permanently, in accordance with the conditions set out in articles 131-30 to 131-30-2 of the French Criminal Code.

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