Article R1423-34 of the French Labour Code
Each section of the industrial tribunal or, where it is divided into chambers, each chamber comprises at least:1° A conciliation and referral office;2° A judgment office.
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Each section of the industrial tribunal or, where it is divided into chambers, each chamber comprises at least:1° A conciliation and referral office;2° A judgment office.
Depending on the case, the adjudication committee comprises: 1° In its ordinary composition as referred to in Article L. 1423-12, two councillors representing employers and two councillors representing employees; 2° In its restricted composition referred to in Article L. 1423-13, one employer and one employee councillor; 3° In its composition referred to in 2° of Article L. 1454-1-1, two councillors for male employers, two councillors for male employees and the…
Subject to the provisions of the second paragraph of article L. 123-1 of the Code de l’organisation judiciaire, each industrial tribunal has a registry, the service of which is provided by State employees. In the industrial tribunals referred to in the second paragraph of article L. 123-1 of the Code de l’organisation judiciaire, the registry service of the industrial tribunal is managed by the director of the registry of the…
Under the supervision of the president of the industrial tribunal, the registrar manages the court’s administrative departments and is responsible for their operation. The director of registry is a director of judicial registry services. Where the registrar is responsible for managing the registries of several industrial tribunals, he or she performs his or her duties under the respective supervision of the presidents of these tribunals. In the industrial tribunals mentioned…
The director of the registry manages the registry’s staff. He allocates and assigns them to the council’s departments. In the industrial tribunals mentioned in the second paragraph of article L. 123-1 of the Code of Judicial Organisation, the distribution and assignment of staff is carried out in accordance with the provisions of article R. 123-16 of the same code.
The registrar prepares the court’s draft budget each year. He/she submits it to the president and vice-president He/she manages the funds allocated to the court and is responsible, in particular, for the acquisition, conservation and renewal of equipment, furniture, library journals and books. He oversees the upkeep of the premises.
The registrar organises the reception of the public.
The registrar keeps the files, directories and registers up to date. He draws up the documents, notes and minutes required by the codes. He assists the labour tribunal members at hearings. It prepares decisions. He is the custodian of case files, minutes and archives and ensures their safekeeping. He issues copies and transcripts. Reproductions of any document held by the industrial tribunal may only be drawn up and issued by…
The registrar draws up a statement of the court’s activities in accordance with the frequency and model set by the Minister of Justice. This report and any observations made by the president and vice-president are sent, under cover of the heads of the court of appeal, to the Minister of Justice.
Depending on the needs of the department, the Registrar may designate, under his responsibility, one or more Registry employees to carry out some of the duties assigned to him in articles R. 1423-37 to R. 1423-42.
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