Article D1442-6 of the French Labour Code
The government provides financial support for innovative training initiatives for employment tribunal members undertaken by approved bodies.
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The government provides financial support for innovative training initiatives for employment tribunal members undertaken by approved bodies.
The total period of absence of an employee councillor for participation in one or more training courses in the establishments and bodies mentioned in article D. 1442-1 may not exceed two weeks in any one calendar year. The authorisations for absence referred to in 2° of article L. 1442-2 are granted to employees at their request as soon as they are appointed. The employee representative shall inform his employer of…
The organisation responsible for the course will issue the employee with a certificate stating that he/she has attended the course. This certificate is given to the employer when the employee returns to work.
Employee industrial tribunal members benefiting from the leave provided for in article D. 1442-7 are not taken into account: 1° When determining the number of beneficiaries of training leave, as provided for in articles L. 6322-7 to L. 6322-9 ; 2° When determining the number of beneficiaries of economic, social and trade union training leave, as provided for in article L. 2145-5.
Salaried industrial tribunal members paid solely on a commission basis, when they are entitled to the leave provided for in article D. 1442-7, are remunerated by each of their employers on the basis of an hourly training allowance equal to 1/1,900 of the remuneration paid during the previous year and declared to the tax authorities pursuant to article 87 of the General Tax Code. This remuneration is deducted from the…
Newly appointed labour tribunal members who have never held a labour tribunal appointment or who have not fulfilled this obligation during a previous appointment are subject to the initial training requirement set out in article L. 1442-1. An industrial tribunal member who has not completed the initial training within fifteen months of the first day of the second month following his appointment is deemed to have resigned. Failure to comply…
This initial training is organised by the Ecole nationale de la magistrature. The content of the initial training is set by joint order of the Minister of Justice and the Minister for Employment, published in the Journal officiel de la République française.
The authorisations for absence mentioned in 1° of article L. 1442-2 are granted to employees at their request as soon as they are appointed and until the end of the fifteen-month period mentioned in the second paragraph of article D. 1442-10-1. The Conseiller prud’homme shall inform his employer of his absence for the training provided for in 1° of article L. 1442-2 by any means giving a date certain: 1°…
At the end of the training, the Ecole nationale de la magistrature will issue the labour court judge with an individual training certificate, subject to attendance. This certificate is given by the Conseiller Prud’homme to the President of the Conseil de Prud’hommes and, where applicable, to the employer.
Employed labour tribunal members who are paid on a commission basis only, when they attend the initial training course, are paid by each of their employers on the basis of an hourly training allowance equal to 1/1 607 of the remuneration paid during the previous year and declared to the tax authorities pursuant to article 87 of the General Tax Code.
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