Article R2122-60 of the French Labour Code
The polling station checks that the voting systems have been sealed, that they are working properly, that the vote counter has been reset to zero and that the electronic ballot boxes are empty.
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The polling station checks that the voting systems have been sealed, that they are working properly, that the vote counter has been reset to zero and that the electronic ballot boxes are empty.
Any elector for whom all the information mentioned in article R. 2122-12 is known may vote by remote electronic means.
In accordance with the procedures laid down by order of the Minister for Labour, two separate, dedicated and isolated automated processes are created, called the “voters’ file” and the “electronic ballot box” respectively. No link is established between these two processes.
The electoral register contains data relating to the electoral roll drawn up pursuant to article L. 2122-10-4. This file is used to send voters who meet the conditions for remote electronic voting the information needed to identify them during the voting process. It is also used to identify voters who have taken part in the remote electronic vote and to print out the list of voters’ names.
The electronic ballot box contains data relating to votes cast by remote electronic means.
To vote by remote electronic means, the voter, after identifying himself and certifying on his honour that he is not subject to any prohibition, disqualification or incapacity relating to his civic rights, casts and validates his vote. The vote is anonymous. It is encrypted by the system as soon as it is sent to the terminal used by the voter, before being transmitted to the “electronic ballot box” file, and…
During the remote electronic voting period, the voters’ list is updated for each vote. The voting system guarantees that no partial results are accessible during the voting process. Any malfunction or intervention by the service provider on the server is automatically recorded in a log. The polling station is informed immediately.
At the close of the remote electronic vote, the chairman and assessors of the polling station, after declaring the ballot closed, seal the electronic ballot box and the voters’ list.
Once the system has been sealed, the chairman and assessors of the polling station check the integrity of the remote electronic voting system. In particular, they check that the number of votes cast in the electronic ballot box corresponds to the number of voters on the voters’ list and that the votes recorded were cast during the voting period. These observations are included in the log of remote electronic voting…
After the electronic ballot box has been sealed, the president of the polling station and two of the assessors chosen by lot are each given a separate counting key, in a way that guarantees confidentiality. Two other keys are kept by two independent third parties chosen by the services of the Minister of Labour.
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