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Article R2123-11-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

At the end of their term of office, persons who have held one of the elective offices mentioned in Article L. 2123-11-2 may benefit from the end-of-mandate differential allowance, provided they meet the conditions set out in the aforementioned article. For the application of the present provisions, the condition of cessation of professional activity is assessed at the end of the term of office.

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Article R2123-12 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The municipality’s assumption of responsibility for expenses relating to the exercise of local elected representatives’ right to training, under the conditions set out in the articles L. 2123-12 to L. 2123-16 and by 3° of article L. 2321-2, may only take place if the body providing the training course or session has received approval issued by the Minister responsible for local and regional authorities under the conditions laid down by…

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Article R2123-15 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Any member of the municipal council who is an employee must, when he wishes to benefit from the training leave referred to in article L. 2123-13, submit his request in writing to his employer at least thirty days in advance, specifying the date and duration of the absence envisaged for this purpose, as well as the name of the body responsible for the course or session.The employer shall acknowledge receipt…

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