Article R 1424-68 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Crisis Management provides the secretariat for the National Conference of Fire and Rescue Services.
The Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Crisis Management provides the secretariat for the National Conference of Fire and Rescue Services.
The transfers of personnel, provided for in articles L. 1424-13, L. 1424-14 and L. 1424-16 and transfers of property, as provided for in Article L. 1424-17, may be the subject of a single agreement. This agreement or, failing this, separate agreements may be concluded as of 29 December 1996. Until the entry into force of the agreement(s) relating to the transfers, an annual financing agreement sets the minimum amount of…
Within the meaning of article L. 1424-17, assets directly linked to the exercise of the operational, technical or administrative skills of the public establishment and required by the latter are considered necessary for the operation of the departmental fire and rescue service.
The departmental advisory commission, referred to in articles L. 1424-20, L. 1424-21and L. 1424-36, is established by prefectoral order. This decree is published in the prefecture’s administrative records (recueil des actes administratifs). His duties automatically expire when all of the agreements mentioned in articles L. 1424-13, L. 1424-14 and L. 1424-17 is signed, or, failing that, six months before the five-year deadline set in these articles.
The election of the department’s representatives to the commission and the elections provided for by the decree no. 96-1005 of 22 November 1996 relating to the installation of the first boards of directors of the departmental fire and rescue services for the appointment of the department’s representatives to the first board of directors of the departmental service may take place on the same day. The procedures for this election are…
The election to the commission of the representatives of the communes and public establishments for inter-communal cooperation with competence in fire and rescue services is organised by the prefect. The Prefect issues a decree setting out the timetable for the elections and the list of electors, which is made up of the mayors of the department and the chairmen of the said public bodies. These representatives are elected by proportional…
The election of the representatives of the municipalities and public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation shall take place at the same time as those provided for by the décret n° 96-1005 du 22 novembre 1996 relatif à l’installation des premiers conseils d’administration des services départementaux d’incendie et de secours pour la désignation des représentants des communes et des établissements publics de coopération intercommunale au premier conseil d’administration du service départemental.
Candidate lists for the election of representatives of municipalities and public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation comprise twice as many names as there are seats to be filled. No one may be a candidate under different categories. Lists are lodged at the prefecture on a date set by the prefect’s order provided for in article R. 1425-5. No list may be modified after this date, except in the event of death…
Voters vote for a complete list, without adding or deleting names and without changing the order of presentation. Each ballot paper is inserted in a double envelope: the inner envelope bears no mention or distinctive sign; the outer envelope bears the words “Elections of representatives of communes and public establishments of inter-communal cooperation to the departmental consultative commission”, an indication of the name and capacity of the voter, and his…
Votes for the election of representatives of the communes and public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation are counted by the commission set up in article 18 of the décret n° 96-1005 du 22 novembre 1996 relatif à l’installation des premiers conseils d’administration des services départementaux d’incendie et de secours. A representative of each list may monitor the ballot counting operations. In the event of a tie in the allocation of the…
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