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Article R7125-25-2 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Within the limit of the maximum amount set in application of 3° of article R. 1621-7 of the present code, the member of the assembly of French Guyana acquires his individual training rights counted in euros each year, as of the third Monday following the first round of the territorial election, and may ask to use them as of this acquisition. Regardless of the number of mandates held by the…

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Article R7125-25-3 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The councillor to the Assembly of French Guyana who wishes to benefit from training under his individual right to training sends a request to the manager of the fund for the financing and management of the individual right to training of local elected representatives mentioned in Article L. 1621-4, via the dematerialised service mentioned in Article L. 1621-5, in accordance with the general conditions of use of this service. The…

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Article R7125-25-4 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The councillor to the Assembly of French Guyana who has incurred travel and subsistence expenses to attend training as part of the individual right to training shall send the manager of the fund mentioned in Article L. 1621-4, a statement of expenses for reimbursement. Travel and subsistence expenses are reimbursed to the councillor at the Assembly of French Guiana under the conditions defined by decree no. 2006-781 of 3 July…

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Article R7125-26 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Assembly councillors entrusted with special mandates may claim, on production of proof of the actual duration of the journey, on the one hand, the payment of daily allowances intended to reimburse on a flat-rate basis their additional meal and overnight expenses necessitated by the exercise of these mandates and, on the other hand, the reimbursement of transport expenses incurred on this occasion. The reimbursement of these expenses is provided under…

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Article R7125-27 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Assembly councillors may claim, on presentation of supporting documents, reimbursement of the travel and subsistence expenses they incur when travelling to take part in assembly meetings and meetings of committees and bodies of which they are an ex officio member or by express deliberation of the assembly. These expenses are covered under the conditions set out in the second paragraph of article R. 7125-26. The reimbursement of these expenses may…

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Article R7125-28 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Assembly members with disabilities referred to in the second paragraph of Article L. 7125-22 and covered by the provisions of Articles L. 5213-1 and L. 5213-2 of the Labour Code or who may claim the benefit of the provisions of articles L. 5212-1 et seq. of the same code, or who may claim the benefit of article L. 241-3 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles. Reimbursement of…

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Article D7125-29 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The deliberation by which the Assembly of French Guyana grants the financial aid provided for in article L. 7125-23 may specify the procedures for allocating and monitoring this aid, in particular the possible splitting of its payment. In respect of each calendar year, the Assembly of French Guyana is provided with an individual summary statement of aid paid to beneficiaries.

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Article D7125-32 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The President of the Assembly of French Guiana shall provide the elected official receiving the financial aid, before 1 February of the year following that in which it was awarded, with a certificate stating the total amount of aid received and specifying that it is non-taxable. The annual declaration provided for by Article 87 of the General Tax Code submitted by the territorial collectivity of French Guiana mentions, for each…

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