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Article L5126-6 of the French Public Health Code

By way of derogation from the provisions of I of Article L. 5126-1 : 1° For reasons of public health, in the interest of patients or, where applicable, at the request of the ministers responsible for health and social security, the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé (French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products) shall draw up…

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Article L5126-7 of the French Public Health Code

I.-As part of the research referred to in Article L. 1121-1, the clinical investigations referred to in Article L. 1125-1 and the performance studies referred to in Article L. 1126-1, the internal-use pharmacy may dispense the products required for these to investigators in the research sites where the research is authorised. In the context of the same research, the pharmacy for internal use may distribute the medicinal products and devices…

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Article L5126-8 of the French Public Health Code

I. – The Director General of the Regional Health Agency may authorise, for a limited period, the in-house pharmacies of public health establishments: 1° To supply other in-house pharmacies when there is no other possible source of supply for a given medicinal product or product. However, in the case of an imperative and immediate need, the supply may be carried out without the authorisation provided for in the previous paragraph,…

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Article L5126-10 of the French Public Health Code

I.-When the pharmaceutical needs of an establishment, service or body covered by III of Article L. 5126-1 which is not part of a territorial hospital grouping or which is not a member of a health cooperation grouping mentioned in 4° of Article L. 6133-1 or in Article L. 6133-7 do not justify the existence of an in-house pharmacy, the medicines, products or objects mentioned in article L. 4211-1 and sterile…

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Article L5127-2 of the French Public Health Code

The inspectors mentioned in article L. 5127-1, acting in accordance with the provisions of articles L. 1421-2 and L. 1421-3 may, pending the results of the analysis of the samples taken or the communication of the documents requested, consign products that present or are likely to present a danger to human health. These are inventoried and left in the custody of the holder. These operations are the subject of a…

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Article L5127-3 of the French Public Health Code

The inspectors referred to in Article L. 5127-1 shall report to the competent authorities any breaches of professional pharmacy rules that they observe in the course of their duties. They shall carry out the investigations prescribed by the hierarchical authority or requested by the competent professional bodies.

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