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Article R1111-11 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The hosting contract referred to in the last paragraph of I of Article L. 1111-8 is concluded between the hosting provider and its customer. It contains at least the following clauses: 1° An indication of the scope of the certificate of compliance obtained by the hosting provider, together with the dates of issue and renewal; 2° A description of the services provided, including the content of the services and the…

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Article R1111-16 of the French Public Health Code

If it is implemented, the hosting of personal health data on paper mentioned in article L. 1111-8 is entrusted to a natural person or legal entity benefiting from approval granted by the Minister for Culture under the conditions defined by articles 20-5 to 20-8 and 20-10 to 20-13 of decree no. 79-1037 of 3 December 1979 relating to the competence of public archive services and to cooperation between administrations for…

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Article R1111-16-1 of the French Public Health Code

Articles 20-1 to 20-3 of Decree no. 79-1037 of 3 December 1979 on the competence of public archive services and cooperation between administrations for the collection, preservation and communication of public archives are applicable to the deposit of personal health data on paper with the status of public archives.

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Article D1111-16-2 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The reporting of serious information system security incidents as provided for in Article L. 1111-8-2 is intended to : 1° Provide the competent State authorities with the information they need to decide on preventive measures in terms of information system security or to ensure the continuity of healthcare provision ; 2° Helping health establishments, organisations and services involved in preventive, diagnostic or care activities to take any useful measures to…

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Article D1111-16-3 of the French Public Health Code

I.-Reports of significant or serious information system security incidents, without prejudice to other mandatory reports, are made without delay by the director of the health establishment, the organisation or service providing preventive, diagnostic or care activities, or the medico-social establishment, or the person delegated for this purpose, to the public interest group mentioned in article L. 1111-24. The public interest grouping is responsible for : -analysing significant or serious information…

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Article D1111-16-4 of the French Public Health Code

For the purposes of this sub-section, the health establishments, organisations and services carrying out prevention, diagnosis or care activities mentioned in article D. 1111-16-2 and medico-social establishments are : -health establishments ; -army hospitals medical biology laboratories; – radiotherapy centres -radiotherapy centres; -medical-social establishments.

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Article R1111-17 of the French Public Health Code

The advance directives referred to in article L. 1111-11 are a written document, dated and signed by the author, who is an adult, duly identified by giving his or her surname, first name, date and place of birth. A person of full age who is the subject of a legal protection measure with representation relating to the person may draw up advance directives with the authorisation of the judge or…

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Article R1111-18 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The model referred to in article L. 1111-11, which may be used to draw up advance directives, includes: 1° The following information: a) The identification details referred to in article R. 1111-17 relating to the author of the directives; b) The identification details of the trusted support person referred to in article L. 1111-6 ; c) Where applicable, details of the authorisations required in the case of legal protection measures…

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Article R1111-19 of the French Public Health Code

I.- Advance directives are kept in a way that makes them easily accessible to the doctor called upon to make a decision to limit or stop treatment as part of the collegiate procedure defined in article R. 4127-37-2. II – To this end, the advance directives may be filed and kept, if the person who drew them up so decides, in the area of their shared medical record provided for…

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Article R1111-20 of the French Public Health Code

When considering taking a decision to limit or stop treatment in application of article L. 1111-4, and unless the advance directives already appear in the file in his possession, the doctor will consult the shared medical file. If there are no advance directives kept or recorded in the medical record or shared medical record, the doctor will find out from the trusted support person, from the family or close friends,…

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