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Article R1142-63-16 of the French Public Health Code

When the condition of the person who has suffered damage has been consolidated after the date on which the college issued its first opinion, or when new damage attributable to a worsening of the person’s condition requires a new assessment of the damage, this person or his beneficiaries may ask the college of experts to issue a new opinion. The claim is investigated under the conditions set out in articles…

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Article R1142-63-17 of the French Public Health Code

If, at the end of the period provided for in the third paragraph of Article R. 1142-63-13, the persons considered liable by the College or their insurers have not made an offer of compensation to the claimant, or if they have explicitly refused to make an offer, or if the claimant considers that the offer made to him is manifestly insufficient in the light of the opinion issued by the…

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Article R1142-63-18 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The college of experts referred to in Article L. 1142-24-11 includes, in addition to its chairman, who is a member of the Conseil d’Etat, a magistrate from the administrative order or a magistrate from the judicial order: 1° A doctor with expertise in the field of child psychiatry; 2° A doctor with expertise in the field of neuropaediatrics; 3° Three people with expertise in the fields of personal injury compensation…

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Article R1142-63-19 of the French Public Health Code

The president of the college and the deputy presidents are appointed by order of the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Health for a renewable term of three years. The chairman of the college is not subject to the hierarchical authority of the chairman of the board of directors or the director of the Office national d’indemnisation des accidents médicaux, des affections iatrogènes et des infections nosocomiales. It may…

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Article R1142-63-20 of the French Public Health Code

The members of the College are subject to the provisions of Article L. 1451-1. At each meeting, the members of the College shall state, if applicable, that they have a direct or indirect family, professional or financial relationship with the persons whose application is being examined or with the healthcare professionals, healthcare institutions, healthcare services or organisations or producers, operators or distributors of healthcare products concerned by this application. Where…

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Article R1142-63-21 of the French Public Health Code

Members of the Board are entitled to reimbursement of any travel expenses they may incur in the performance of their duties under the conditions laid down in the regulations applicable to civil servants. Allowances are granted to full or alternate members, with the exception of the Chairman when he is seconded. The amount of these allowances is set by order of the ministers responsible for the budget and health.

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Article R1142-63-22 of the French Public Health Code

The secretariat of the Board is placed under the functional authority of the Chairman and is provided by the Board’s staff. It is provided by staff from the Office. The Director of the Office or his representative attends meetings of the College without the right to vote. The Board adopts its own rules of procedure, which define the rules of procedure and the conditions under which it operates. In particular,…

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Article R1142-63-23 of the French Public Health Code

The College meets when convened by its Chairman, who sets the agenda. It may only deliberate if at least half of the members in office are present, excluding the Chairman. If this is not the case, a new meeting will be held, with no quorum required, after a period of fifteen days. The opinions of the Board are adopted by a majority of the members in office present. In the…

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Article R1142-63-24 of the French Public Health Code

The application referred to in Article L. 1142-24-10 shall be lodged with the Office against a receipt or sent to the Office by any means capable of proving the date on which it was sent. It is accompanied by a file containing all the information mentioned in the second paragraph of article L. 1142-7. It also includes medical certificates specifying the extent of the damage suffered or believed to have…

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Article R1142-63-25 of the French Public Health Code

Applications are examined by the Chairman of the Board, assisted by the secretariat. He may ask for any additional documentation required to examine the application. Once the application has been examined, the College Chairman places it on the agenda for a meeting of the College.

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