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Article R1331-32 of the French Public Health Code

The heating system must be fixed, adapted to the characteristics of the dwelling, in particular its insulation and fittings, and must ensure that its occupants are comfortable in cold weather. This obligation does not apply to dwellings located in local authorities governed byArticle 73 of the French Constitution. Equipment such as barbecues, mobile gas stoves and braziers may not be used for supplementary heating.

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Article R1331-33 of the French Public Health Code

The dwelling has a functional and adequate heat regulation system, which can be provided by various means such as thermal insulation, the presence of shutters, the possibility of night ventilation, the existence of a puits provençal, or a combination of these.

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Article R1331-34 of the French Public Health Code

Air renewal, which includes the removal of stale air and humidity and the supply of fresh air, is carried out by means of ventilation through windows and doors and, where appropriate, by natural or mechanical ventilation systems or any other device. Any draughts created by these devices and systems and the discharge of stale air do not have an adverse effect on people’s health. Air renewal systems must be maintained…

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Article R1331-37 of the French Public Health Code

I.-A dwelling is used in conditions that clearly lead to over-occupation in accordance witharticle L. 1331-23 and is therefore unfit for habitation within the meaning ofarticle L. 1331-22: -when it is occupied by more than two people per living room ; -or when it does not comply with the conditions set out in the article R. 822-25 du code de la construction et de l’habitation to qualify for personal housing…

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Article R1331-38 of the French Public Health Code

Residential premises and their outbuildings, including garages, may not be used for activities, appliances or engines that emit combustion gases when in operation, unless they are designed to protect the health and safety of people, in particular by means of appropriate ventilation. All storage of flammable liquids is prohibited in residential premises and their outbuildings. Reserves of such liquids intended for domestic use may, however, be kept there, provided that…

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Article R1331-39 of the French Public Health Code

Odours, lighting, illumination or noise, whether caused by a person or through the intermediary of a person or thing in their care or an animal under their responsibility, must not, by their intensity, duration or repetition, harm the quality of the air, the tranquillity of the neighbourhood or the peace and health of the occupants of residential premises.

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Article R1331-41 of the French Public Health Code

No objects or rubbish shall be thrown outside residential premises or in the vicinity thereof. The storage or accumulation of rubbish, objects or various substances likely to cause an unhealthy environment, an accident or a risk of epidemic, in particular by attracting and encouraging the proliferation of animals that are a nuisance to human health, is prohibited. Domestic composting systems for bio-waste are permitted, provided that they do not cause…

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