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Article R1333-147 of the French Public Health Code

All appropriate measures shall be taken by the person responsible for the nuclear activity to prevent unauthorised access to sources of ionising radiation, their theft, misappropriation, deterioration or damage of any kind that they may suffer for malicious purposes. An order of the ministers responsible for energy or defence may specify the terms of application of this section with regard to protection against malicious acts. This order may provide for…

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Article R1333-148 of the French Public Health Code

I.- Access to ionising radiation sources or batches of category A, B or C radioactive sources and their transport, or access to information relating to the means or measures implemented to protect them against malicious acts, are authorised by the person responsible for the nuclear activity. The authorisation issued to a person for this purpose is personal and in writing. Persons not in possession of this authorisation may have access…

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Article R1333-149 of the French Public Health Code

The provisions of article R. 1333-148 do not apply to : 1° Persons requiring medical treatment involving access to ionising radiation sources, products or devices containing them; 2° Personnel from the emergency services and the forces of law and order with territorial jurisdiction when they intervene in an emergency in the installation; 3° Agents and civil servants responsible for administrative or judicial police controls and experts accompanying them under the…

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Article R1333-150 of the French Public Health Code

Before issuing the authorisation provided for in Article R. 1333-148, the person responsible for the nuclear activity : 1° Verify that the person concerned needs, in the course of his or her activity, to have access to ionising radiation sources or batches of category A, B or C radioactive sources, to transport them or to have access to information relating to the means or measures implemented to protect them against…

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Article R1333-151 of the French Public Health Code

The person responsible for the nuclear activity shall inform the person concerned in writing of the request for an opinion made to the administrative authority and shall inform him that, in this context, he is the subject of the administrative investigation provided for in 2° of Article R. 1333-150.

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Article R1333-152 of the French Public Health Code

I.- Pursuant to articles L. 1333-5, L. 1333-15 and L. 1333-16, this section defines, in particular, the conditions under which radioactive sources, electrical equipment emitting ionising radiation and particle accelerators are acquired, distributed, imported, exported, transferred between Member States of the European Union, sold, taken back and disposed of. The following are excluded from the application of the provisions of this section: 1° Radioactive waste as defined by article L….

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Article R1333-153 of the French Public Health Code

I.-It is forbidden 1° To transfer, whether temporarily or permanently, electrical equipment emitting ionising radiation, accelerators and radioactive sources, whether in return for payment or free of charge, to any natural or legal person who is not in possession of a receipt for a declaration or who is not the holder of a registration or authorisation decision under one of the regimes mentioned in article L. 1333-8 or L. 1333-9…

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Article R1333-154 of the French Public Health Code

Any transfer or acquisition of radioactive sources is subject to prior registration with the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, using a form issued by this body, except in the cases defined by the decision provided for in 1° of Article R. 1333-165. If no response is received within two months, the registration application referred to in the previous paragraph is rejected.

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Article R1333-155 of the French Public Health Code

Any acquisition of an ionising radiation source or a batch of radioactive sources in category A, B or C as defined in appendix 13-7 shall give rise to the establishment, by the purchaser, of an acknowledgement of receipt of the ionising radiation source or batch of radioactive sources transmitted to the transferor in accordance with the procedures defined by an order of the Minister responsible for energy.

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Article R1333-156 of the French Public Health Code

The declaration provided for in Article 4 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1493/93 of 8 June 1993 on shipments of radioactive substances between Member States shall be deposited with the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire. The record of deliveries provided for in Article 6 of the same Regulation shall be drawn up for each transfer and filed with the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety.

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