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Article R1413-14 of the French Public Health Code

The decisions referred to in 5° of Article R. 1413-12 are enforceable under the conditions laid down in Title III of Decree No. 2012-1246 of 7 November 2012 on public budgetary and accounting management. The decisions referred to in 1°, 2° and 10° of the same article are enforceable only after express approval by the ministers responsible for health and the budget. The decisions referred to in 9° of the…

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Article R1413-15 of the French Public Health Code

The Managing Director is appointed for a renewable term of three years. The age limit for the Director General is sixty-seven. He manages the agency. He performs all acts that are not reserved to the Board of Directors by virtue of the provisions of articles R. 1413-12 and R. 1413-13. Each year, he proposes the agency’s strategic guidelines to the Board of Directors. He prepares the deliberations of the Board…

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Article R1413-17 of the French Public Health Code

The Director General organises the recruitment, training and equipment of healthcare reservists and, on behalf of the State, signs their recruitment contracts and the agreements referred to in articles R. 3133-3 and L. 3134-2-1. The Director General takes decisions on behalf of the State regarding the management of stocks of products, equipment and materials and the management of the services mentioned in articles L. 1413-1 and R. 1413-1.

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Article R1413-18 of the French Public Health Code

The Director General is assisted by at least one Deputy Director General who replaces him/her in the event of vacancy, absence or impediment. When the Agency has one or more pharmaceutical establishments, in application of article L. 1413-4, the pharmacist(s) in charge are members of the Agency’s management. The Director General may delegate his signature to staff under his authority. He may delegate some of his powers relating to the…

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Article R1413-19 of the French Public Health Code

The Scientific Advisory Board comprises twenty-seven members, including its Chairman, at least four of whom are or have been practising abroad or in European or international organisations. Members are appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors for a renewable term of four years, on a proposal from the Managing Director, after validation by the Board of Directors of the list of members. They are chosen from among leading…

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Article R1413-20 of the French Public Health Code

The Scientific Advisory Board is responsible for : 1° To give an opinion on the Agency’s research, expertise and study guidelines and on its scientific partnership and programming policy; 2° To assist the agency’s management in drawing up procedures for calls for projects; 3° To validate and supervise the process of evaluating the Agency’s scientific activity, and to issue recommendations to the Agency’s management on the basis of the results…

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Article R1413-21 of the French Public Health Code

After receiving the opinion of the Scientific Advisory Board, the Director General shall set up the committees of experts required to carry out the Agency’s tasks and shall appoint their members. The operating procedures of the expert committees are laid down in the Agency’s internal rules. .

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Article R1413-22 of the French Public Health Code

The Ethics Committee has seven members. These members are appointed for a term of four years by decision of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, after validation of the list of members by the Board of Directors, from among persons recognised for their knowledge and skills in the field of ethics and professional conduct, and after examination of their links of interest, within the meaning of the provisions of…

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Article R1413-23 of the French Public Health Code

Any member of the Board of Directors, the Scientific Advisory Board or a committee of experts, the Agency’s compliance officer appointed pursuant to article L. 1451-4, the Agency’s Chief Executive Officer or any other employee of the Agency may refer matters to the Ethics and Professional Conduct Committee within its remit. In particular, it is responsible for : 1° Keeping a constant watch on best practice in the field of…

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