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Article R1435-9-3 of the French Public Health Code

The doctor practising as a replacement or the student fulfilling the conditions laid down in article L. 4131-2 undertakes, for the duration of the contract, to carry out a replacement activity in one or more medical practices located in the areas defined in article R. 1435-9-1. If, during the term of the contract, he decides to set up a private practice or to work there as a private practice collaborator,…

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Article R1435-9-4 of the French Public Health Code

The signatory of the start of practice contract provided for in article R. 1435-9-1 undertakes to practice in the areas mentioned in article R. 1435-9-1 for a minimum number of half-days per week, per quarter or per year set by order of the Minister for Health and the Minister for Social Security. The additional remuneration provided for in article R. 1435-9-6 and the aid allocated as part of the installation…

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Article R1435-9-5 of the French Public Health Code

The signatory of the contract for the commencement of practice provided for in article R. 1435-9-1 is obliged to join a coordinated practice system, within the meaning of articles L. 1411-11-1, L. 1434-12, L. 6323-1-10 and L. 6323-3, within two years of the date on which the contract is signed. The regional health agency will inform the signatory of the existence or constitution of a coordinated practice system in his…

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Article R1435-9-6 of the French Public Health Code

During the first year of the entry-to-practice contract provided for in article R. 1435-9-1, the signatory is entitled to additional remuneration in addition to the income from the healthcare activity. The amount of the additional remuneration is calculated as the difference between the amount of a fixed ceiling and the income from the activity carried out under the practice contract, if the latter is higher than a minimum level.

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Article R1435-9-7 of the French Public Health Code

For the signatory of the contract for commencing practice practising in the speciality of general medicine, the income from the activity mentioned in article R. 1435-9-6, derived from self-employed healthcare activity and from on-call care, gives entitlement to additional remuneration if its amount is less than a fixed monthly ceiling determined on the basis of the average monthly fees invoiced without exceeding the fees of a general practitioner at the…

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Article R1435-9-8 of the French Public Health Code

The income is assessed each month for doctors in private practice or working as self-employed collaborators and each quarter for students or doctors working on a locum basis. At the end of each month or each quarter in application of the previous paragraph, the signatory of the contract for the commencement of practice sends the co-signatory regional health agency a declaration summarising, for the month or quarter that has just…

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Article R1435-9-9 of the French Public Health Code

Throughout the duration of the contract, the signatory may benefit, at his request, from aid in the event of incapacity due to illness, calculated on a flat-rate daily basis and equal to one thirtieth of half of the maximum amount of additional remuneration received in application of articles R. 1435-9-4 and R. 1435-9-6. The aid is paid in respect of the month during which the eighth day of work stoppage…

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Article R1435-9-10 of the French Public Health Code

In the event of a break in medical activity due to maternity, paternity or adoption, aid is paid to the doctor practising as a substitute if the following conditions are met: 1° Having worked as a substitute under the contract for the start of practice during the three months prior to the month in which the work stoppage begins; 2° Having reached, during the three months prior to this work…

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Article R1435-9-11 of the French Public Health Code

The contract for the commencement of practice complies with a standard contract laid down by order of the Minister for Health and the Minister for Social Security. In particular, it sets out the terms and conditions of the practitioner’s healthcare activities and the places where they will be carried out, as well as the conditions for payment of remuneration in addition to the income received by the practitioner. The signatory…

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Article R1435-9-60 of the French Public Health Code

The regional health agency provides replacement practitioners with a support service for the management of their replacements. To this end, it monitors replacement needs in the areas defined in 1° of Article L. 1434-4 of its region of competence, and coordinates these needs with the supply of replacements offered by replacement practitioners. The regional health agency also assists practitioners with the administrative procedures and formalities relating to their replacement agreements….

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