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Article R2324-34-1 of the French Public Health Code

The person managing an establishment or service shall specify in writing the powers and duties delegated to the professional whom it has entrusted with the management of the establishment or service. A copy of this document is sent to the president of the departmental council of the department which issued the authorisation or gave the opinion provided for in articles R. 2324-20 and R. 2324-22 respectively, and, where applicable, to…

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Article R2324-34-2 of the French Public Health Code

Subject to authorisation from the President of the Departmental Council in the case of establishments and services managed by private individuals, or his opinion in the case of establishments and services managed by a public authority, issued under the conditions set out in articles R. 2324-19 and R. 2324-21, and subject to compliance with the provisions of 2° of article R. 2324-30, up to three establishments and services, each with…

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Article R2324-35 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The director of an establishment or service for young children with a capacity of sixty places or more is assisted by a deputy. II.-The duties of deputy director may be carried out by : 1° A person holding a State diploma as a doctor of medicine; 2° A person holding a State diploma as a nursery nurse; 3° A person holding a State diploma as an educator of young children;…

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Article R2324-36 of the French Public Health Code

In the absence of the person usually in charge of management, the continuity of these functions is ensured by a person present in the establishment or service and covered by 1° of article R. 2324-42, or failing this, a person covered by 2° of the same article and with one year’s professional experience working with young children. Pursuant to 2° of article R. 2324-30, the operating rules shall set out…

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Article R2324-37 of the French Public Health Code

The manager of any childcare establishment mentioned in article R. 2324-17 organises time for analysis of professional practices for members of the establishment’s team responsible for supervising children under the following conditions: 1° Each professional benefits from a minimum of six hours per year, including two hours per four-month period; 2° The professional practice analysis sessions take place outside the presence of the children; 3° The professional practice analysis sessions…

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Article R2324-38 of the French Public Health Code

Given the number, age and needs of the children in their care and their educational and social project, establishments and services shall ensure that they have the support of a multidisciplinary team made up of qualified professionals, particularly in the psychological, psychomotor, social, health, educational and cultural fields.

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Article R2324-39 of the French Public Health Code

I.-A “Health and Inclusive Care” advisor is appointed in each non-permanent childcare establishment and service. The “Health and Inclusive Care” advisor works in collaboration with the professionals mentioned in article R. 2324-40, professionals from the departmental maternal and child protection service mentioned in article L. 2112-1 and other local players in the fields of health, prevention and disability. With the agreement of the child’s parents or legal representatives, he or…

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Article R2324-39-1 of the French Public Health Code

I.-For each child admitted, the micro-crèche’s technical advisor, the technical manager or the director of the establishment or service will ensure that the holders of parental authority or legal representatives provide the establishment or service with: 1° A medical certificate dated less than two months ago attesting to the absence of any contraindication to being cared for in a group setting. This certificate must be submitted at the time of…

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Article R2324-40 of the French Public Health Code

I.-Without prejudice to the provisions of article R. 2324-41, the multidisciplinary team referred to in article R. 2324-38 includes one or more professionals holding a State diploma in nursery nursing or nursing who work in the establishment in the minimum quantities referred to in 3° to 5° of article R. 2324-46-2 and 2° to 4° of article R. 2324-48-2. These professionals may be employees of the establishment or its manager,…

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Article R2324-41 of the French Public Health Code

I.-Without prejudice to the provisions of article R. 2324-40, the multi-disciplinary team referred to in article R. 2324-38 includes one or more state-qualified educators of young children, working in the establishment in the minimum numbers referred to in articles R. 2324-46-3, R. 2324-47-3 and R. 2324-48-3. II – Within the establishment or service, the early childhood educators, together with the other professionals, design and carry out educational and social activities…

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