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Article L3631-1 of the French Public Health Code

The agents mentioned in article L. 1312-1 shall ensure compliance with articles L. 3611-1 to L. 3611-3 and shall investigate and establish the infringements provided for in the same articles L. 3611-1 to L. 3611-3. To this end, they shall have the prerogatives granted to them by article L. 1312-1 and by the texts taken for its application. 1312-1 and by the texts adopted for its application. In order to…

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Article L3631-2 of the French Public Health Code

Municipal police officers, gardes champêtres (rural wardens), agents de surveillance de Paris (Paris surveillance officers) and agents de la Ville de Paris (City of Paris police officers), referred to respectively in articles L. 511-1, L. 521-1, L. 523-1 and L. 531-1 of the Code de la sécurité intérieure (Internal Security Code), may draw up official reports of violations of articles L. 3611-2 and L. 3611-3 of this code and the…

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Article L3711-1 of the French Public Health Code

For the implementation of the treatment injunction provided for by article 131-36-4 of the French Penal Code and articles 723-30 and 731-1 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure, the sentence enforcement judge appoints a coordinating doctor from a list of psychiatrists or doctors who have undergone appropriate training, drawn up by the public prosecutor: 1° Inviting the convicted offender, in the light of the expert assessments carried out during…

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Article L3711-2 of the French Public Health Code

The sentence enforcement judge will send the attending physician, via the coordinating physician, a copy of the decision ordering the treatment order. The judge will also send the attending physician, at the latter’s request or on his own initiative, via the coordinating physician, a copy of the reports of the medical examinations carried out during the enquiry or investigation, the final indictment, the decision to refer the case to the…

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Article L3711-3 of the French Public Health Code

The attending doctor is authorised to inform the sentence enforcement judge or the probation officer of the interruption of treatment, without being bound by the provisions of article 226-13 of the Criminal Code. When the attending doctor informs the judge or probation officer, he will immediately inform the coordinating doctor. If treatment is refused or interrupted against the advice of the attending doctor, the latter shall immediately inform the coordinating…

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Article L3711-4-1 of the French Public Health Code

If the offender’s personality so warrants, the coordinating doctor may invite the offender to choose, either in addition to the attending doctor or instead of the latter, an attending psychologist who has practised for at least five years. The provisions of articles L. 3711-1 to L. 3711-3 applicable to the attending physician are applicable to this psychologist, with the exception of those set out in the last paragraph of article…

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Article L3811-2 of the French Public Health Code

For its application in Mayotte, article L. 3114-5 reads as follows: “Art. L. 3114-5. – If it is established, by order of the Minister of Health, that conditions exist in Mayotte which lead to the development of diseases transmitted by insects and which constitute a threat to the health of the population, the necessary control measures fall within the remit of the State. The corresponding costs are borne by the…

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