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Article L4342-7 of the French Public Health Code

The following shall be determined by decree of the Conseil d’Etat: 1° The professional rules ; 2° The composition and operation of the commission referred to in article L. 4342-4 and the conditions under which the person concerned is subject to a compensation measure; 3° The procedures for verifying the professional qualifications referred to in Article L. 4342-5; 4° The procedures for applying the obligation to transmit the information referred…

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Article L4343-2 of the French Public Health Code

Speech and language therapists and speech and language therapists registered on the departmental lists or performing a professional act in France, as provided for in articles L. 4341-1 and L. 4342-1 respectively, are required to comply with the professional rules laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.

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Article L4343-3 of the French Public Health Code

The Director General of the Regional Health Agency shall refuse registration if the applicant does not meet the legal conditions required for practising the professions of speech and language therapist or speech and language therapist, or if he is temporarily or permanently banned from practising the profession in France or abroad, or suspended under the conditions set out in article L. 4311-26. However, if the applicant is banned from practising…

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Article L4343-4 of the French Public Health Code

If it appears that the applicant suffers from an infirmity or is in a pathological condition that makes it dangerous to practise his profession, the Director General of the regional health agency shall refuse to include the applicant on the list.

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Article L4344-1 of the French Public Health Code

Medical doctors and pharmacist public health inspectors, inspectors from regional health agencies, inspectors from the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé (French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products) and all persons authorised to ascertain breaches of legislation on the prevention of fraud are authorised to investigate and ascertain the breaches referred to in article L. 4344-3.

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Article L4344-2 of the French Public Health Code

Speech and language therapists, orthoptists and students studying for one or other of the certificates of qualification are bound by professional secrecy under the conditions and subject to the reservations set out in articles 226-13 and 226-14 of the French Penal Code.

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Article L4344-3 of the French Public Health Code

The offences referred to in articles L. 4163-3 and L. 4163-4 are applicable to speech and language therapists and orthoptists and are punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros. In the event of conviction, temporary disqualification from practising the profession for a period of up to ten years may be imposed as an additional penalty by the courts or tribunals.

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Article L4344-4 of the French Public Health Code

Illegal practice of the profession of speech and language therapist or orthoptist is punishable by one year’s imprisonment and a fine of €15,000. Natural persons are also liable to the following additional penalties: a) Posting or distributing the decision handed down, in accordance with the conditions set out in article 131-35 of the Criminal Code ; b) Confiscation of the thing that was used or intended to be used to…

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Article L4344-4-1 of the French Public Health Code

Any person practising orthoptics, within the meaning of article L. 4342-1, who does not hold a certificat de capacité d’orthoptiste or one of the diplomas or certificates of study in orthoptics established by the Minister of Education prior to the creation of the said certificat or any other qualification referred to in article L. 4342-4 required to practise as an orthoptist, or who does not fall within the provisions of…

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