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Article L5121-25 of the French Public Health Code

Doctors, dental surgeons, midwives and pharmacists report any suspected adverse reaction to a medicinal product or product mentioned in article L. 5121-1 of which they are aware. Other healthcare professionals, patients and approved patient associations may report any adverse reaction suspected of being due to a medicinal product or product mentioned in the same article L. 5121-1 of which they are aware.

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Article L5121-26 of the French Public Health Code

The procedures for implementing this chapter shall be determined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, in particular the procedures for organising the pharmacovigilance system for medicinal products and the products mentioned in article L. 5121-1 , as well as the procedures for detecting, collecting and analysing signals and the procedures for monitoring and providing feedback to the persons mentioned in article L. 5121-25.

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Article L5121-29 of the French Public Health Code

Marketing authorisation holders and pharmaceutical companies exploiting medicinal products ensure an appropriate and continuous supply of the national market in order to cover the needs of patients in France. To this end, any marketing authorisation holder and any pharmaceutical company exploiting a medicinal product shall build up a safety stock intended for the national market and located on French territory, on that of another Member State of the European Union…

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Article L5121-30 of the French Public Health Code

The list of medicinal products of major therapeutic interest mentioned in article L. 5121-31 for which a stock shortage or a risk of a stock shortage is identified or has been declared to the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé under the conditions mentioned in article L. 5121-32 is drawn up by decision of the Director General of the Agency and published on its website….

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Article L5121-31 of the French Public Health Code

For the medicinal products of major therapeutic interest mentioned in article L. 5111-4 , marketing authorisation holders and pharmaceutical companies exploiting medicinal products draw up and implement shortage management plans, the purpose of which is, in the interest of patients, to prevent and remedy any stock shortages. Marketing authorisation holders and pharmaceutical companies exploiting medicinal products draw up and implement the shortage management plans provided for in the first paragraph…

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Article L5121-32 of the French Public Health Code

Marketing authorisation holders and pharmaceutical companies exploiting a medicinal product of major therapeutic interest mentioned in article L. 5111-4 inform the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé of any risk of stock shortage or any stock shortage relating to this medicinal product as soon as they are aware of it, under conditions defined by regulation. With the agreement of the Agency, they shall put in…

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Article L5121-33 of the French Public Health Code

I. – Except in cases of force majeure, in the event of a stock shortage of a medicinal product of major therapeutic interest for which a stock shortage or risk of a stock shortage presents a serious and immediate risk for patients, or of a vaccine mentioned in the second paragraph of article L. 5121-31, and where neither the medicinal product alternatives that may be available on national territory nor…

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Article L5122-1 of the French Public Health Code

Advertising for medicinal products for human use means any form of information, including canvassing, canvassing or inducement, which is intended to promote the prescription, supply, sale or consumption of such medicinal products, with the exception of information provided, as part of their duties, by pharmacists managing a pharmacy for internal use. This definition does not include : – correspondence, accompanied, where appropriate, by any non-promotional document needed to answer a…

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