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Article R1110-14 of the French Public Health Code

The condition of recidivism referred to in article L. 1110-3, which precludes the implementation of the conciliation procedure provided for in these same provisions, as well as that provided for in article L. 4123-2, is met when the health professional in question has already been the subject, in the six years preceding receipt of the complaint, of a definitive sanction for discriminatory refusal of care, pronounced by an Ordinary Court…

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Article R1110-15 of the French Public Health Code

If the professional association concerned fails to comply with the three-month time limit stipulated in article R. 1110-11 for implementing the conciliation procedure, or the time limit stipulated in article R. 1110-13 for bringing the matter before the disciplinary court following a failure to reach conciliation, the director of the local health insurance body will initiate the sanction procedure provided for inarticle L. 114-17-1 of the Social Security Code, in…

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Article R1110-16 of the French Public Health Code

Each year, the national councils of the professional associations, in the case of health professionals against whom complaints have been lodged, and the Director of the Union nationale des caisses d’assurance maladie (National Union of Health Insurance Funds) will send a report on the actions taken in application of this section to the Minister for Health and the Minister for Social Security. This report shall specify, in particular, the number…

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Article R1111-1 of the French Public Health Code

Access to information relating to a person’s health, as referred to in article L. 1111-7 and held by a healthcare professional or a healthcare institution, is requested by the person concerned, their entitled person, their cohabitee or their partner in a civil solidarity pact in the event of that person’s death, the person with parental authority, the person in charge of a legal protection measure with representation relating to the…

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Article R1111-2 of the French Public Health Code

The applicant may choose to obtain the information requested from the health professional or health institution, either by consulting it on site, with copies of documents being provided where appropriate, or by sending copies of the documents. The cost of providing these copies is to be borne by the applicant under the conditions set out in article L. 1111-7 . If the information requested is held by a health institution…

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Article R1111-3 of the French Public Health Code

Where the request is imprecise or does not express a choice as to the means of communicating the information, the health professional or institution shall inform the requesting party of the various means of communication available under this section and shall indicate which will be used in the absence of a choice on his part. If, at the end of the eight-day period or the two-month period provided for in…

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Article R1111-4 of the French Public Health Code

Where the presence of a third party during consultation of certain information is recommended by the doctor who drew it up or who holds it, this information is communicated as soon as the applicant has expressed his acceptance or refusal to follow the recommendation. If the person making the request fails to respond within one of the time limits stipulated in article L. 1111-7, the information will be communicated to…

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Article R1111-5 of the French Public Health Code

When, in the circumstances provided for in the fourth paragraph of article L. 1111-7, the holder of the information gathered in the context of involuntary hospitalisation or hospitalisation at the request of a third party considers that this information can only be communicated to the applicant in the presence of a doctor, he shall inform the person concerned. If the person concerned refuses to designate a doctor, the holder of…

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Article R1111-6 of the French Public Health Code

A minor who wishes to keep secret any preventive action, screening, diagnosis, treatment or intervention to which he or she is subject under the conditions provided for in article L. 1111-5 may object to the doctor or midwife who carried out this preventive action, screening, diagnosis, treatment or intervention communicating to the holder of parental authority any information that has been compiled on this subject. A minor who wishes to…

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Article R1111-7 of the French Public Health Code

The beneficiary, cohabitee or partner in a civil solidarity pact of a deceased person who wishes to have access to medical information concerning this person, under the conditions provided for in the ninth paragraph of article L. 1110-4, must specify, when making their request, the reason why they need to know this information. Reasons must be given for any refusal of a request made to this entitled person, cohabitee or…

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