Article R1112-78 of the French Public Health Code
The establishment’s internal regulations and the provisions of Chapters II and III of this Title shall be communicated to any person who so requests.
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The establishment’s internal regulations and the provisions of Chapters II and III of this Title shall be communicated to any person who so requests.
The users’ commission referred to in the second paragraph of article L. 1112-3 is set up in each public or private health establishment and in the health cooperation groupings authorised to carry out the tasks of a health establishment.
I.-The Commission ensures that users’ rights are respected and facilitates their procedures. To this end, all complaints and claims addressed to the health care institution by users or their relatives, as well as the responses given to them by the institution’s managers, are made available to the members of the Commission, in accordance with the procedures defined by the institution’s internal regulations. Under the conditions laid down in articles R….
I. – The committee is composed as follows 1° The legal representative of the establishment or the person appointed for this purpose ; 2° Two mediators and their alternates, appointed by the legal representative of the establishment under the conditions set out in article R. 1112-82 ; 3° Two user representatives and their alternates, appointed by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency under the conditions provided for inArticle…
I. – The Commission is chaired by one of the members mentioned in 1° to 3° of I of article R. 1112-81. The Chairman is elected for a three-year term of office, renewable twice, by all the members of the Commission provided for in article R. 1112-81. Voting is by secret ballot in a single-member constituency, by an absolute majority of the votes cast. If this majority is not achieved…
The mediators mentioned in 2° of I of article R. 1112-81 are a doctor mediator and a non-physician mediator. The non-physician mediator and his alternate are appointed by the institution’s legal representative from among the non-physician staff working in the institution. The doctor mediator and his alternate are appointed by the legal representative of the establishment from among the doctors practising in one of the establishments mentioned in II to…
The user representatives and their alternates are appointed by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency from among the persons proposed by the associations approved in application ofArticle L. 1114-1. However, when the persons sitting as user representatives on the Supervisory Board or the body authorised for this purpose in the establishment in question request to sit in this capacity on the Commission, the Director General of the Agency…
The establishment’s legal representative draws up a list of the names of the members of the committee. This updated list is displayed in the institution and sent to the Director General of the Regional Health Agency. It is given to each patient with the welcome booklet, in a document which reproduces the provisions of articles R. 1112-91 to R. 1112-94 and specifies how they apply within the establishment.
The term of office of the mediators, user representatives and staff representatives mentioned in 2° of IV, V and VI of article R. 1112-81 is set at three years, renewable. The term of office of the other members of the Commission ends at the same time as the term of office or functions in respect of which the persons concerned have been appointed.
In the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote. The Head of Quality Policy attends committee meetings in an advisory capacity. The committee may hear any competent person on the issues on the agenda.
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