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Article R1321-11 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The holder of an authorisation declares to the Prefect any project to modify the installations and operating conditions mentioned in the prefectoral authorisation order and sends him all the information needed to assess the project, prior to its implementation. The Prefect gives a decision on this declaration within two months, either by issuing an amending order, or by inviting the holder of the authorisation, where appropriate after consulting an approved…

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Article R1321-12 of the French Public Health Code

The Prefect may, on his own initiative on a proposal from the Director General of the Regional Health Agency or at the request of the authorisation holder and in accordance with the procedure laid down in I of article R. 1321-7, issue an order amending the authorisation order, if he considers that the maintenance of certain provisions is no longer justified or that additional requirements are necessary in order to…

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Article R1321-13 of the French Public Health Code

The act declaring the works to extract water for human consumption to be in the public interest is preceded by a public enquiry governed by the provisions of Title I of Book I of the Code de l’expropriation pour cause d’utilité publique. The protection perimeters mentioned in article L. 1321-2 for the abstraction of water intended for human consumption may cover separate plots of land. Within the immediate protection perimeter,…

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Article R1321-13-1 of the French Public Health Code

The declaration of the public interest in the abstraction of water for human consumption referred to in article L. 1321-2 is published in the departmental registry of administrative acts and is displayed in the town hall of each of the municipalities concerned for at least two months. A notice of this posting is published in conspicuous characters in two local newspapers. The beneficiary of the easements will also send an…

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Article R1321-13-4 of the French Public Health Code

I. – Any public authority that owns land located within the close protection perimeters of water extraction points intended for human consumption and that intends to prescribe land use methods to the lessee in order to preserve the quality of the water resource, when renewing rural leases covering this land, shall notify the lessee of these prescriptions at least eighteen months before the expiry of the current lease. If the…

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Article R1321-13-5 of the French Public Health Code

I.-As an exception to the provisions of Book I of the Code de l’expropriation pour cause d’utilité publique and Chapter III of Title II of Book I of the Code de l’environnement, the simplified public enquiry procedure provided for in article L. 1321-2-2 of the present code is carried out under the conditions defined in the present article, prior to the order for minor modifications to the protection perimeter or…

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Article R1321-14 of the French Public Health Code

Hydrogeologists must obtain approval in public health matters from the Director General of the Regional Health Agency in order to issue opinions within the framework of the procedures laid down in Chapters I and II of this Title. An order by the Minister for Health sets out the procedures for the approval and appointment of approved public health hydrogeologists, in particular how the application for approval is to be compiled,…

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Article R1321-15 of the French Public Health Code

The health inspection referred to in 2° of I of article L. 1321-4 is carried out by the Regional Health Agency. It includes any operation to check compliance with legislative and regulatory provisions relating to the safety of water intended for human consumption. It includes in particular: 1° Inspecting installations ; 2° Monitoring the health safety measures implemented; 3° Carrying out a water quality analysis programme. The content of the…

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