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Article R1412-8 of the French Public Health Code

Meetings of the Committee and its Section are not open to the public. Voting shall be by secret ballot by decision of the Chairman or at the request of one or more members present. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairman has the casting vote. The Committee and its Technical Section may only deliberate if at least half its members are present.

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Article R1412-11 of the French Public Health Code

The duties of a member of the National Consultative Ethics Committee for Health and Life Sciences are performed free of charge. However, the chairman of this committee receives a fixed monthly allowance, the amount of which is set by a joint order of the Prime Minister and the ministers responsible for health and the budget. The Chairman and the other members are entitled to the travel and subsistence allowances provided…

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Article R1412-12 of the French Public Health Code

The Chairman of the National Consultative Ethics Committee for Health and Life Sciences is the chief authorising officer for credits entered in the Prime Minister’s budget for the Committee. He may delegate the signing of all acts relating to the operation of the committee to a category A employee or a contract employee of the same level under his authority.

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Article R1412-14 of the French Public Health Code

Each year, the Committee organises a public conference on the ethical issues raised by the life and health sciences. It organises regional meetings with the assistance of the ethical discussion forums mentioned in article L. 1412-6 and takes part in international events in its field of expertise.

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Article R1413-1 of the French Public Health Code

To carry out its missions, the National Public Health Agency : 1° Identifies, gathers, analyses, updates and disseminates information, data and knowledge about the state of health of populations and the health risks threatening them, their causes and trends. To this end, it creates information systems enabling it to access scientific, health, demographic, behavioural, social, climatic, environmental, statistical, industrial and commercial data as quickly as possible, particularly in terms of…

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Article R1413-2 of the French Public Health Code

In order to carry out its missions, the National Public Health Agency may in particular: 1° Acquire the necessary movable and immovable property; 2° Allocate, from its own budget, grants, loans or advances to public or private bodies carrying out studies, research, work, equipment or works contributing to the fulfilment of its missions; 3° To enter into agreements or participate in public interest groupings with any public or private entity,…

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Article R1413-3 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The Board of Directors comprises, in addition to its Chairman : 1° Nine members representing the State: a) Two representatives of the ministers responsible for health and social action ; b) One representative of the Minister for Labour; c) One representative of the Minister for Research; d) A representative of the Minister for the Environment; e) A representative of the Minister for National Education; f) A representative of the Minister…

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