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Article R1461-7 of the French Public Health Code

I.-To ensure compliance with the provisions of Article L. 1461-4, the data present in the national health data system and those made available by the joint managers are linked to each person concerned by a pseudonym. This pseudonym is produced in accordance with the procedures set out in II of this article. II – The rules for the secure management of the national health data system, defined in a security…

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Article R1461-8 of the French Public Health Code

Health professionals’ identification numbers are stored and managed by the Plateforme des données de santé and the Caisse nationale de l’assurance maladie, within the national health data system in tables separate from those containing the other data in the national health data system, in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 1461-4.

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Article R1461-9 of the French Public Health Code

I.-In accordance with 2° of Article L. 1462-1, makes the following information available on its website: 1° The identity and contact details of the data controllers of the national health data system as well as information relating to the databases that feed it; 2° The procedures for exercising the rights provided for in II and III of this article; 3° The list and characteristics of projects involving data from the…

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Article R1461-10 of the French Public Health Code

The Minister for Health sets the general guidelines for the development of the national health data system. To this end, he will convene a strategic committee involving the Plateforme des données de santé and the Caisse nationale de l’assurance maladie. An order by the Minister for Health sets the composition, missions and operating procedures of this committee.

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Article R1461-11 of the French Public Health Code

The State services, public establishments and bodies entrusted with a public service mission, mentioned in article R. 1461-12, are authorised to process personal data from the national health data system from the main database mentioned in I of article R. 1461-2, within the limits defined in articles R. 1461-13 and R. 1461-14, depending on the requirements of the public service missions they fulfil. The scope of this authorisation is defined…

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Article R1461-12 of the French Public Health Code

The State departments, public establishments and bodies entrusted with a public service mission authorised to process personal data from the national health data system pursuant to III of article L. 1461-3 are as follows: 1° The Directorate for Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics, the Directorate General for Health and the Directorate General for Healthcare Provision, the Directorate for Social Security, the General Secretariat of the Social Ministries, the Budget Directorate,…

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Article R1461-13 of the French Public Health Code

I.- The processing mentioned in article R. 1461-11 concerns data from the national health data system with a maximum historical depth of : 1° 19 years, in addition to the current year, for the Agence nationale de santé publique, the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé, the Agence de la biomédecine, the Institut national du cancer, the Etablissement français du sang, the Haute Autorité de…

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Article R1461-14 of the French Public Health Code

The processing mentioned in Article R. 1461-11 concerns categories of data from the national health data system which may not exceed the following limits: 1° All individual data from the national health data system with cross-referencing of potential identifiers, samples with cross-referencing of potential identifiers, semi-aggregated data, individualised for healthcare professionals or establishments and aggregated for beneficiaries, and aggregated data presenting a residual risk of re-identification, for the Directorate for…

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Article R1461-15 of the French Public Health Code

When the needs of a particular processing operation or category of processing operations involving data from the national health data system exceed the scope of the authorisation granted to the State department, establishment or body on the basis of the provisions of III of article L. 1461-3, particularly in the case of matching data from the national health data system with other data, the processing operations shall be implemented in…

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Article R1461-16 of the French Public Health Code

Only the compulsory health insurance bodies, the Directorate for Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics, the Social Security Directorate, the General Secretariat of the Social Ministries and the Regional Health Agencies may have access to the health professional’s identification number, where necessary. Other bodies may have access to a pseudonym based on this number.

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