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Article R2122-11 of the French Public Health Code

Doctors attached to antenatal clinics must be approved by the doctor in charge of the maternal and child protection service. The approved doctor must attend the consultation in person and, except in the case of annual leave or illness, may only be replaced in exceptional circumstances; the replacement must always be a person who fulfils the conditions required by law. When carrying out group examinations, the doctor must show the…

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Article R2122-12 of the French Public Health Code

All antenatal consultations must be attended by at least one nurse or midwife, who may be assisted by one or more nurses or midwives. Within the limits of the laws and regulations in force, trainee nurses or midwives may be authorised. The nurses and midwives must have no financial relationship with the consultants.

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Article R2122-14 of the French Public Health Code

In all antenatal clinics, a qualified person is on duty at all times during opening hours to co-ordinate the activities of the various departments, respond to requests for information, receive any complaints and, in general, ensure relations with the outside world. This person cannot be the nurse in charge.

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Article R2122-16 of the French Public Health Code

Before taking up their duties, all members of staff must undergo a general medical examination, including : – a chest X-ray, unless an X-ray less than two months old can be provided ; – a tuberculin skin test. In addition, staff members are required to undergo a clinical examination every year, following which the occupational physician may prescribe any additional investigations he deems necessary.

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Article R2123-1 of the French Public Health Code

The guardianship judge, to whom the matter is referred under the conditions set out in article L. 2123-2, obtains the opinion of a committee of experts set up in each region. The committee competent to give an opinion is the one in whose jurisdiction the person concerned is domiciled. The committee competent to give an opinion for a person domiciled in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon is the one competent for the Ile-de-France region.

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Article R2123-2 of the French Public Health Code

The committee of experts comprises : 1° Two medical specialists qualified in gynaecology-obstetrics ; 2° One psychiatrist ; 3° Two representatives of associations of persons mentioned in article L. 2123-2. The associations mentioned in 3° are appointed by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency. Their representatives are chosen from a list drawn up by each of the designated associations and containing twice as many names as there are…

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Article R2123-3 of the French Public Health Code

The term of office of the full and alternate members of the committee is three years. They are renewable. In the case of the members mentioned in 3° of article R. 2123-2, the term of office ends when the representative loses the capacity for which he was appointed. If one of its members ceases to be a member of the Committee of Experts, he shall be replaced within one month….

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