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Article L3211-12-5 of the French Public Health Code

When a full hospitalisation measure is released in application of V of article L. 3211-12-1, the patient may, as soon as the measure is released, be subject to psychiatric care in the form mentioned in 2° of I of article L. 3211-2-1 if the conditions provided for in I of articles L. 3212-1 or L. 3213-1 are still met and in accordance with the procedures provided for, respectively, in chapters…

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Article L3211-12-6 of the French Public Health Code

When the psychiatric care measure taken against a person is lifted in application of this chapter or chapters II or III of this title, a psychiatrist from the host establishment will inform the person, as far as is necessary, of the need to continue his treatment in open care and will indicate the care arrangements that he considers most appropriate for his condition.

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Article L3211-12-7 of the French Public Health Code

For the sole purpose of monitoring a person who represents a serious threat to public security and order due to his or her radicalisation as a terrorist, the State representative in the department and, in Paris, the police prefect, as well as the representatives of the intelligence services mentioned in articles L. 811-2 and L. 811-4 of the Internal Security Code designated for this purpose by a decree of the…

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Article L3212-1 of the French Public Health Code

I.-A person suffering from a mental disorder may only be the subject of psychiatric care on the decision of the director of an establishment mentioned in article L. 3222-1 when the following two conditions are met: 1° Their mental disorder makes it impossible for them to give their consent; 2° Their mental state requires immediate care with either constant medical supervision justifying full hospitalisation, or regular medical supervision justifying care…

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Article L3212-2 of the French Public Health Code

Before admitting a person for psychiatric care in application of article L. 3212-1, the director of the receiving establishment checks the person’s identity. When the person is admitted in application of 1° of II of the same article L. 3212-1, the director of the establishment also checks that the request for care has been drawn up in accordance with the same 1° and ascertains the identity of the person making…

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Article L3212-3 of the French Public Health Code

In an emergency, where there is a serious risk of harm to the patient, the director of an establishment mentioned in article L. 3222-1 may, exceptionally, at the request of a third party, admit a patient to psychiatric care on the basis of a single medical certificate issued, where applicable, by a doctor practising in the establishment. In this case, the medical certificates mentioned in the second and third paragraphs…

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Article L3212-4 of the French Public Health Code

When one of the two medical certificates mentioned in the second and third paragraphs of article L. 3211-2-2 concludes that the person’s condition no longer justifies the care measure, the director of the host establishment immediately orders the measure to be lifted. If the two medical certificates conclude that it is necessary to continue the care, the director of the establishment decides to continue the care for a period of…

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Article L3212-5 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The director of the reception facility shall immediately forward to the State representative in the department or, in Paris, to the police prefect, and to the departmental commission for psychiatric care mentioned in article L. 3222-5 any decision to admit a person for psychiatric care in application of this chapter. It shall also immediately forward to this commission a copy of the medical certificate of admission, the entry form and…

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Article L3212-7 of the French Public Health Code

At the end of the first period of psychiatric care ordered in application of the second paragraph of article L. 3212-4, the care may be continued by the director of the establishment for periods of one month, renewable in accordance with the procedures laid down in this article. In the last three days of each of the periods mentioned in the first paragraph, a psychiatrist from the host establishment will…

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