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Article L6316-2 of the French Public Health Code

Telecare is a form of remote healthcare practice using information and communication technologies. It puts a patient in contact with one or more pharmacists or medical auxiliaries in the exercise of their skills as set out in this code. Telecare activities are defined by order of the Minister for Health, issued after consultation with the Haute Autorité de santé. This opinion will focus in particular on the conditions under which…

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Article L6322-1 of the French Public Health Code

Cosmetic surgery, including in the health establishments mentioned in Book I, may only be performed in facilities that meet technical operating conditions. These are subject to certification under the conditions laid down in article L. 6113-3. The creation of these facilities is subject to authorisation by the competent local administrative authority. The authorisation, which allows the facility to operate, is granted for a limited renewable period. It is subject to…

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Article L6322-2 of the French Public Health Code

For all cosmetic surgery services, the person concerned and, where applicable, their legal representative in the case of a minor, their proxy under a future protection mandate, the person exercising family habilitation or their guardian when their mission of representation extends to the protection of the person, must be informed by the practitioner responsible of the conditions of the operation, the risks and possible consequences and complications. This information must…

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Article L6322-3 of the French Public Health Code

The conditions for authorising the facilities referred to in Article L. 6322-1 are set by decree in the Conseil d’Etat. The technical conditions for their operation and the duration of the period provided for in article L. 6322-2 are set by decree.

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Article L6323-1 of the French Public Health Code

Health centres are local health facilities, providing primary care and, where appropriate, secondary care, and carrying out preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic activities within the centre, without accommodation, or in the patient’s home. Where appropriate, they provide multi-professional care, bringing together medical professionals and medical auxiliaries. By way of derogation from the previous paragraph, a health centre may carry out diagnostic activities exclusively. All health centres, including each of their branches,…

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Article L6323-1-1 of the French Public Health Code

In addition to the activities mentioned in article L. 6323-1, health centres may : 1° Carry out public health initiatives, therapeutic patient education and social initiatives, in particular with a view to promoting access to rights and healthcare for the most vulnerable people or those who do not have access to social protection; 2° Contribute to the continuity of outpatient care; 3° Providing training places, where appropriate at university level,…

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Article L6323-1-2 of the French Public Health Code

A multi-professional university health centre is a health centre that has signed a tripartite agreement with its regional health agency and a public scientific, cultural and professional establishment that includes a medical, pharmaceutical or dental training and research unit, the purpose of which is to develop training and research in primary care. The operating, organisational and assessment procedures for these multi-professional university health centres are set by joint order of…

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Article L6323-1-3 of the French Public Health Code

I.-Health centres are created and managed either by non-profit organisations, or by départements, or by municipalities or their groupings, or by public health establishments, or by legal entities managing private health establishments, whether non-profit or for-profit. A health centre may also be set up and managed by a société coopérative d’intérêt collectif governed by Title II ter of law no. 47-1775 of 10 September 1947 on the status of cooperation….

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Article L6323-1-4 of the French Public Health Code

Profits from the operation of a health centre may not be distributed. They must be placed in reserve or reinvested for the benefit of the health centre concerned or of one or more other health centres or another not-for-profit structure managed by the same management body. The manager’s accounts make it possible to establish compliance with this obligation for each of the health centres it manages. The manager’s accounts are…

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Article L6323-1-5 of the French Public Health Code

I. – Professionals working in health centres are salaried employees. When the health centres are managed by the territorial authorities or their groupings mentioned in article L. 6323-1-3, these professionals may be employees of these authorities or their groupings. Where the health centres are managed by a non-profit organisation in the form of a public interest grouping of which at least two local authorities or groups of local authorities are…

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